Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FW: Request Termination Agreements for 4 EnronOnline
Date:Wed, 25 Apr 2001 04:42:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Bob Bowen
X-To: Tana Jones
X-Folder: \Tanya_Jones_June2001\Notes Folders\All documents
X-Origin: JONES-T
X-FileName: tjones.nsf

The trades are all similar so here goes:

Fixed Price Payer (Buyer) Coral Energy Holding, L.P. ((EnronOnline Deal
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. (EnronOnline Deal #1150406)
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. (EnronOnline Deal #1150411)
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. (EnronOnline Deal #1150426)

Floating Price Payer(Seller) Enron North America Corp.
Deal Date 4/20/01
Effective Date 10/1/01
Termination Date 10/31/01
Notional Quantity 5,000 MMBtu per day
Fixed Price Last Day of NYMEX plus $0.3700
Floating Price The applicable Determination Period Bidweek Average Price
in the
row entitled "Malin" located in the "California" section of the table
"Spot Gas Prices" in the first issue of Natural Gas Intelligence Weekly
Gas Price Index for the applicable Determination Period
or, simply stated
NGI - Malin
Commodity Natural Gas

If I forgot something, please let me know.

How is Karen Lambert by the way? Has she been on vacation lately?

From: Tana Jones on 04/25/2001 10:05 AM
To: Bob Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: Request Termination Agreements for 4 EnronOnline Transactions W/

Attached is a list of four deals for some online "oops" trades. Can you send
me the deal particulars so I can prepare terminations of the trades.
----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 04/25/2001 10:04 AM -----

Robert B Cass/ENRON@enronXgate
04/25/2001 09:50 AM

To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jennifer deBoisblanc Denny/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: FW: Request Termination Agreements for 4 EnronOnline Transactions

Tana -
This e-mail includes the attachment. It "fell off" my e-mail from last night.

Thanks -

-----Original Message-----
From: Cass, Robert B.
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:29 PM
To: Jones, Tana
Cc: Moorer, Torrey; Denny, Jennifer; Thomas, Sheri
Subject: Request Termination Agreements for 4 EnronOnline Transactions

Hi Tana -

We need your assistance in preparing termination letters for the transactions
listed on the attached spreadsheet and described as follows:

On Friday, April 20, 2001, four transactions occurred on EnronOnline that
were in error. One transaction was with Coral Energy Holding L.P. and three
transactions were with Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Inc. As mutually agreed
to by both the Enron commercial team and the respective counterparties, it
was decided that each of the four transactions would not be confirmed and
should be terminated.

The exact specifics are detailed as follows:

? The transactions occurred due to an inadvertent entry in the actual
production system of EnronOnline by a Product Control Group member, Melba
Lozano. Melba activated a product assuming that she was in the EnronOnline
test system of EnronOnline.

? The product transacted upon is normally managed by Frank Ermis. However,
in his absence on Friday, the product was managed by Matt Lenhart.

? Steve South, trader on the West Desk, called and notified both Morgan and
Coral that the product had been posted in error. All parties agreed that the
transactions were not reflective of the normal pricing. As a result they
further agreed that transaction confirmations would not be necessary and that
the deals would be "killed" on all sides. (For reference of any telephone
tapes that may need to be pulled, the conversations with the counterparties
occurred around 2:00 pm.)

? No confirmations were generated as a result of the killing of the
transactions in TAGG.

? I spoke with Mike Grigsby on Monday (April 23, 2001) and advised him that
termination letters may be required by Legal. He responded that he had no
problem with that.

Tana, please advise if additional information is required to complete the
termination letters or if another course of action is warranted.

Thank you,

Rob Cass