Enron Mail

Subject:Re: NDA for GSX meeting
Cc:tana.jones@enron.com, bob.shults@enron.com, cuthbert.roberts@enron.com
Bcc:tana.jones@enron.com, bob.shults@enron.com, cuthbert.roberts@enron.com
Date:Mon, 9 Apr 2001 09:53:00 -0700 (PDT)

Larry -

I apologize if the document was not attached. I did, however, check the
e-mail to Ed and confirmed it was attached. Below is the version I
forwarded. If there is a problem opening the attached or the attached not
showing up, please call Tana Jones at 713-853-3399. She will be able to
address the problem.

I will be traveling on business for the next couple of days, but will be back
in the office on Wednesday.

Senior Counsel, ENA
Phone: 713-345-8897
Facsimile: 713-646-3940
E-Mail: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com

Lou Schorsch <LSchorsch@GSX.com<
04/09/2001 12:18 PM

To: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com
Subject: NDA for GSX meeting

Erol Benjenk, who is the Director of Business Development at GSX, shared with
me an e-mail regarding the NDA Enron would like us to sign before we have the
meeting scheduled for April 18. For some reason, the NDA was not attached;
and I would like our lawyers to review it. Could you please send a copy
directly to me at lschorsch@gsx.com? I am the CEO of GSX. Best regards.