Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Our telecon re: ISDAs
Cc:anthony.campos@enron.com, european.management@enron.com,matthew.dawson@enron.com
Bcc:anthony.campos@enron.com, european.management@enron.com,matthew.dawson@enron.com
Date:Wed, 6 Dec 2000 05:08:00 -0800 (PST)

With respect to your request:

1. I take it "ECTRL" is the Master Agreement between ECTRIC and ENA. All
the internal masters are kept in Houston. I will send you a copy.
2. Moravske Naftove is an agreement that London Legal got in place. We do
not have copies here, I suggest you contact Matt Dawson to get a copy.
3. Risk Mangement & Trading/ECTRIC-I will send you a copy.
4. State Street Bank, as Trustee/ECTRIC-this was for the Cash VI Project and
is not for general trading purposes. I will send copies to you.
5. Elf Trading S.A./ECTRIC-London Legal should have copies. Contact Matt

Andrew Wells
11/30/2000 03:00 PM

To: Anthony Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: European Contract Management, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Our telecon re: ISDAs

Thanks for your help just now Anthony. Please may we have access to the
Financial Trading Database, as suggested. (Cheers Tana !!) For now, those
needing access will be Matthew Allan, Stephen Furter, John Costa, Damian
Faulkner and Andrew Wells.

As to the specific ISDAs mentioned in our telecon, please may we have copies
of 96030717 (ECTRL), 96031248 (Moravske Naftove), 96031232 (Risk Management &
Trading Corp), 96016930 (State Street Bank) and 96030725 (Elf Trading SA).

Many thanks again,
