Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Pulp & Paper
Date:Mon, 7 Aug 2000 07:09:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Edmund. You're the best!

Edmund Cooper
08/07/2000 02:04 PM

To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Pulp & Paper

Sorry for the delay, I've been away from the office sick.

In response to your note:

UK = fine
Sweden = fine (need to check the authority of persons executing PAs and ETAs)
France = fine. Need to check on the type of entity to ensure close-out
netting is possible
Italy = restricted at the moment. We have sought further advice. Will
update in due course.
Netherlands = swaps only at the moment for financials. This may change.

We have not done any due diligence for physical transactions, so the above
only relates to cash settled commodity derivatives.


From: Tana Jones on 08/04/2000 04:42 PM CDT
To: Edmund Cooper/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Pulp & Paper

I've got several European counterparties on my 8/3/00 ClickPaper Online
List, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and France. Are there any
restrictions on trading financial pulp & paper in Europe?

Everything going well...?