Enron Mail

Subject:Re: i2/enroncredit NDA
Cc:gillian.johnson@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com
Bcc:gillian.johnson@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com
Date:Fri, 8 Dec 2000 04:52:00 -0800 (PST)


Attached please find a revised NDA as per our discussion this morning. I was
unable to mark this document or generate a red-line, so unfortunately I'm
only able to send you a clean copy. The version attached is the earlier
version I sent you with the following changes:

1. Section 2 was revised to delete lenders and to add the last sentence as
per your revisions below.
2. Section 5 was revised as per your revisions attached below.
3. Section 6 was revised to clarify that compilations, etc. must contain
info of the receiving Party or a third Party in addition to the Confidential
4. Section 10 was revised to provide that confidential information will be
protected for 3 years from the Effective Date.

If the revised NDA is acceptable, I will finalize and have it executed and
then forwarded as per you instructions for execution by i2.


Leslie Hansen

Gillian Johnson@ENRON
12/04/2000 12:51 PM

To: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Denis O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: i2/enroncredit NDA


Please review i2's comments on their standard NDA as revised by us. I will
be out of the office for the rest of the week so please call me on my cell
phone at 832-541-4115.


---------------------- Forwarded by Gillian Johnson/NA/Enron on 12/04/2000
12:49 PM ---------------------------

Kay_Klafehn@i2.com on 11/30/2000 06:44:53 PM
To: Gillian.Johnson@enron.com
cc: Cam_Reed@i2.com, Shea_Dugger@i2.com, Patty_Arnold@i2.com

Subject: i2/enroncredit NDA

I have reviewed Enroncredit's requested changes to the NDA. Most are fine.
In response to some, I have added or changed some language. The only real
significant issue that I could see was the length of the protection period.
The absolute minimum i2 will agree to is 3 years. Please review my changes
in the attached document. I would be happy to discuss any of these and can
be reached at the numbers below.
Thanks for your help and your consideration.
(See attached file: EnronCredit.com 113000kak.doc)

Kay A. Klafehn
i2 Legal

W. 469.357.7157
M. 214.679.6531
F. 469.357.6566
- EnronCredit.com 113000kak.doc