Enron Mail

Subject:SaskEnergy Master Agreement for Online Trading
Cc:bryan.deluca@enron.com, matilda.machado@enron.com
Bcc:bryan.deluca@enron.com, matilda.machado@enron.com
Date:Mon, 19 Mar 2001 02:43:00 -0800 (PST)

Thank you for agreeing to coordinate this matter with the counterparty last
week. Upon my return from Spring Break, I received a facsimile sent March
8th from Roger Sobotkiewicz (counsel for SaskEnergy) stating their intention
in entering online transactions is that the Master Agreement with Enron
Canada dated 7/19/1995 would prevail in the event of a conflict with the
online Electronic Trading Agreement. I am forwarding the document to you
this morning via hand delivery.

---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT on 03/19/2001 10:25
AM ---------------------------

Bryan Deluca@ENRON
02/26/2001 02:20 PM
To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Agreements

Karen, is this something you can help me with (below)?

---------------------- Forwarded by Bryan Deluca/NA/Enron on 02/26/2001 02:20
PM ---------------------------

dbrown@saskenergy.sk.ca on 02/26/2001 01:49:24 PM
To: help@enrononline.com
cc: (bcc: Help)
Subject: Agreements

SaskEnergy has a Master Gas Purchase/Sale Agreement dated July 19,1995
executed with Enron. With respect to EnronOnline, it is not clear which
agreement or terms would prevail in the case of a difference between the 2
agreements. Could you please clairfy?

I can be reached at the above email or by telephone at (306) 777-9376 or
fax (306) 569-3522.