Enron Mail

Subject:Water Main Problems Affecting the Body Shop
Date:Tue, 6 Mar 2001 03:47:00 -0800 (PST)

Due to a City of Houston water main problem the Body Shop's water supply has
been shut off in order to conserve water resources to the building. Members
are welcome to workout; however, there is no water in the locker rooms
(showers, sinks, toilets) or on the fitness floor (drinking fountains).
Ozarka drinking water located in the massage therapy area has been made
available to members.

The Fuel Station will be closed during this time.

Return of water service is not known at this time; however, the water will
remain off today and through 8 a.m. tomorrow. Please contact the Body Shop
Reception Desk at x35547 after 8 a.m. tomorrow morning to verify if the water
has been returned to the Body Shop.