Enron Mail

Subject:Changes in option valuation in Enpower
Cc:stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com
Bcc:stinson.gibner@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com
Date:Wed, 21 Mar 2001 00:35:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT on 03/21/2001 08:33 AM
From: Harry Arora/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/21/2001 07:26 AM
To: Sanjay Gupta/ENRON@enronXgate, Steve Nat/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Changes in option valuation in Enpower


Wanted to confirm the changes to the option valuations in the Enpower we
discussed yesterday evening.

1. Currently the trader volatility inputs are the daily vol curve and the
intra-monthly vol curve. The monthly options get marked directly to the
monthly curve (plus the smile) and the monthlies get marked to a time blend
of monthly and intra-month vol (plus the skew).

We want to change the valuation (for the Eastern books) so that the dailies
get marked to the intramonth curve (which we want to call the daily curve)
and the monthly gets marked to the monthly curved. There will be not vol
blending done by the Enpower system for the daily and monthly option
valuations. We want to make this change very soon (by early next week)

2. Currently there exists one smile for every region, which is specified in
terms of volatility additive for specified dollar difference from the
underlying. Since different months in a region can trade in a large range
($35 - $150) - this cannot result in accurate skew for all terms. What we
need is a system which has skew per month.

We suggest, for the short term, the skew should apply only to the summer
daily expiration options. We need to make this change by early next week.

However, we need to start modifing the system so that for every region we
can enter a grid which has a percentage scale and specifies the skew
differently for each month. Research, has implemented this in our pricing
model, and we would like this grid to be input into the valuation system. I
am enclosing the pricing model (which we both discussed yesterday) for
reference. This model is however, work under construction, so pls call Alex
Huang for clarifications.

3. The vol input system is complex and confusing.
I would very much be interested in moving to a direct database interface,
which accomodates the skew inputs per region as in <2<. We should implement a
UI which can input the dailies and monthlies at the moneys and the skew grid
directly - so that we do not need to go through multiple iterations.
I am very much interested in what we currently are releasing in Delphi and
would love an early implementation for options.

On all these issues, I am speaking for the East desk. I am going to touch
base with West guys and see if they are on board with these changes.

