Enron Mail

To:william.smith@enron.com, shirley.crenshaw@enron.com, andy.sikes@enron.com,mike.roberts@enron.com
Subject:Re: Memory
Date:Tue, 2 May 2000 02:06:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Andy ,

I received your e-mail.
I would like to request memory for the printer on the
19th floor.

The printer name is Bandit.
Company number - 0011
R.C. number - 100038

Kevin Moore
---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2000 09:00
AM ---------------------------

Vince J Kaminski
05/02/2000 08:55 AM
To: Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Memory


Makes sense


Kevin G Moore
05/02/2000 08:10 AM
To: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Memory

Goodmorning ,

Shirley , we are in need of a printer that will allow us to print
several pages , none of the printers on this floor will permit
us to do that without adding memory.

I even sent the print-out to Bandit and it also needs more memory to
print these pages.
What we are printing is 189 pages.

Mike would like to print these pages , so instead of paying for
memory on someone else's printer could we add memory to
one of our own.

Please inform..........

Kevin Moore

---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT on 05/02/2000 08:01
AM ---------------------------

Andy Sikes@ENRON
05/01/2000 02:41 PM
To: Kevin G Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Memory

Kevin - Please reply with a Company numbern and RC number to charge the cost
of the order to. It's about $100.

Thanks, Andy
Enron IT Purchasing

---------------------- Forwarded by Andy Sikes/Corp/Enron on 05/01/2000 02:38
PM ---------------------------

Andy Sikes
05/01/2000 02:40 PM
To: Andy Sikes/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Memory

---------------------- Forwarded by Andy Sikes/Corp/Enron on 05/01/2000 02:37
PM ---------------------------

Kevin G Moore@ECT
05/01/2000 11:04 AM
To: Enron IT Purchasing@Enron

Subject: Memory

I would like to request more memory for the printer
Blue- Sky on the 32nd floor.
The printer is a Laser Jet 8100N.
The printer is located in front of EB3240B.

We need more memory A.S.A.P

Kevin Moore.