Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Possible hire?
Date:Tue, 18 Apr 2000 08:08:00 -0700 (PDT)


Thanks for your message. We are very interested in talking to Keith.
Please, give him my phone number/E-mail address
and he can contact me directly.


"Kathy Ensor" <kathy@stat.rice.edu< on 04/18/2000 11:32:27 AM
To: <vkamins@enron.com<
Subject: Possible hire?

Dear Vince,

A faculty member in our department, namely Dr. Keith Baggerly,
is interested in pursuing other employment. He is currently an
assistant professor in our program and a highly valued member of
our department. We hate to lose him, however his interest has shifted
from the academic arena to one of high level but practical application
and development of statistical methodologies including
stochastic modeling.

Keith is actually a graduate of our Ph.D. program; he was in the same
group of students as Martin Lawera. Keith spent several years at Los
Alamos National Lab before we recruited him back to Rice. He has
been on our faculty now for three years and it is my expectation
(and that of my colleagues) that if he remained he would receive

Keith has a strong interest in financial models and the background
to support his interest. He is also a leading expert in statistical
computing, empirical likelihood, categorical models and areas
of statistics falling under the general bailiwick of "data mining".
He is a creative thinker.

I do not know if there are possibilities for Keith within your group,
I believe it is an excellent match of talent and objectives. Would you
have an interest in speaking with Keith? If so, I will suggest that he
contact you.

Best regards,

Kathy Ensor

Katherine Bennett Ensor E-mail: ensor@rice.edu
Professor and Chair OR:
Department of Statistics, MS 138 Phone #: (713) 348 4687
Rice University Dept. #: (713)
348 6032
Houston, TX 77251-1892 Fax #: (713) 348 5476