Enron Mail

To:cindy.olson@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com, shelly.payne@enron.com,steve.hotte@enron.com, harry.arora@enron.com, dan.leff@enron.com, rosalee.fleming@enron.com, vince.kaminski@enron.com, melissa.becker@enron.com, bill.donovan@enron.com
Subject:eSpeak Feedback
Date:Fri, 10 Nov 2000 10:27:00 -0800 (PST)

As a recent host on eSpeak, we'd like to get your comments on your event.
Did you find it to be a useful communications tool? If yes, how? If no,
what would you like to change? We want to provide the best user experience
possible, and your input is important to us. Please e-mail your comments back
to me or feel free to call me at x39843.

Thanks in advance for your time and feedback. We look forward to having you
host another event in 2001.

Warm regards,