Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Houston Research Opportunity: Anjam's plight
Cc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com
Bcc:vince.kaminski@enron.com, dale.surbey@enron.com
Date:Wed, 9 Aug 2000 07:54:00 -0700 (PDT)


I agree. We shall give him an offer of a job in Houston (on the terms
we discussed with) plus an option to stay in
London, if he does not like Houston. His choice. I think we extended a very
generous offer to him
and he may have an excessive perception of his contribution to Enron.


Enron North America Corp.

From: Grant Masson 08/09/2000 02:41 PM

To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Houston Research Opportunity: Anjam's plight


I got the following note from UK HR after had a call from them earlier
today. I told them that the deal you and I communicated to Anjam was firm
and not negotiable (with the exception of the issues regarding the flat
rental). Apparently, Anjam is trying to play hard ball. What's your
commitment to Anjam? Should we explore a package deal? My vote is no.


Tara Rozen
08/09/2000 12:17 PM
To: Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Melanie Doyle/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Houston Research Opportunity


Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in our attempt to convince Anjam that he
should transfer on a local US package. The difficulty is not so much the
compensation and benefits, it seems more to do with the actual job and
long-term prospects. He will only, therefore, commit to 12 months and only on
assignment terms.

We explained to Anjam the rationales for transferring locally, ie not just
cost but equitability among his peers. He is convinced that his skills and
Enron knowledge are valueable enough to warrant an assignment rather than a
local deal. Also, he was apparently told by Vince that it was impossible for
you to find a local hire for this role as you were not paying the market

Would you like to move further with this? If so, we can put together costs
for you for a 12 month assignment and see what you think. I am out tomorrow
but back in on Friday and could do it for you then.

Let us know!

---------------------- Forwarded by Tara Rozen/LON/ECT on 09/08/2000 18:14

Melanie Doyle
08/08/2000 13:07
To: Tara Rozen/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Madeline Fox/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Houston Research Opportunity


Can we discuss tomorrrow?

---------------------- Forwarded by Melanie Doyle/LON/ECT on 08/08/2000 13:04

Enron Europe

From: Anjam Ahmad 08/08/2000 12:08

To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Grant Masson/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Melanie Doyle/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Houston Research Opportunity

Dear Vince & Grant,

Thanks very much for the offer to go to Houston as a Manager to work with
Tanya Tamarchenko on VAR and credit risk within the Houston Research Group,
as we discussed on the phone yesterday. I felt that it would be useful to
bring Melanie Doyle, my HR rep, into the equation. I met Melanie this
morning to discuss the issues with respect to taking up the offer in
Houston. I explained that the interest for this opportunity is mutual, mine
from a career progression perspective and Houston Research's to fill an
urgent need. Melanie, having had experience with these transfers before, has
kindly agreed to help out from an HR perspective, probably involving some of
the London/Houston team that are usually responsible for these situations. I
expect that you may receive a call from either Melanie or a foreign
assignment representative in the near future.

I would like to re-iterate my interest in the opportunity, but would like to
make a counter-proposal for the form of the contract; I would like to make
the suggestion that we make this opportunity a one-year assignment working
with Tanya, and then re-evaluate the situation at the end of the year in
terms a new role for me in Houston thereafter, subject to mutual agreement.
The alternative situation of resigning from Enron Europe and re-joining Enron
Corp is too dramatic and requires me to "burn bridges" and my return to Enron
Europe would be difficult. Also, I would lose the valuable support
structures available to me in London. The amount of any fixed costs
(flights, modest cargo, a few months of mortgage carrying cost) are entirely
reasonable, not excessive given my single status and not so great that they
justify making the contract a three year (local) one.

I would expect that on the basis of almost 3 1/2 years solid experience &
value-added at Enron Europe, the value of several million pounds I have
identified & justified to external auditors for Enron Europe this year and an
"Excellent" rating (my fourth making my 3 1/2 yr average rating also
"Excellent"), I could reasonably be expected to justify a fair deal (i.e. my
existing Enron Europe salary & benefits package plus a reasonable one-off
allowance to cover unavoidable additional personal expenses).

Regards & thanks again for the opportunity,
