Enron Mail

To:mitchell.taylor@enron.com, awalia@ei.enron.com, ann.ballard@enron.com,kfullenweider@velaw.com, steven.kean@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com
Subject:EFSC and NRC Sierra acqusition filings
Date:Tue, 18 Apr 2000 04:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. Another Granite Update.
---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT on 04/18/2000 11:11
AM ---------------------------
From: Douglas Nichols/ENRON@Gateway on 04/17/2000 09:12 PM CDT
To: Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Pamela Lesh/ENRON@Gateway
cc: JAY DUDLEY/ENRON@Gateway, Jim Barnes/ENRON@Gateway, PATRICK
HAGER/ENRON@Gateway, "SMTP:mike@tonkon.com" <mike@tonkon.com<@SMTP@Gateway,
Lanny Dusek/ENRON@Gateway, STEPHEN QUENNOZ/ENRON@Gateway
Subject: EFSC and NRC Sierra acqusition filings

Jay asked me to give you an update on these - it's as follows:
PGE has filed for NRC approval as an indirect transfer of PGE's licenses for
Trojan. We have also filed a petition for a declaration ruling that EFSC
approval is not required.

Status: We anticipate NRC approval by the end of May; no difficulty in
obtaining approval is expected. NRC has not issued a federal register notice
of it's planned action yet, but we expect that by the beginning of May. EFSC
will likely decide to grant the petition to issue a declaratory ruling at its
May 19 meeting in Pendleton, and to issue a ruling in our favor at its June
meeting. We are monitoring both filings. dn