Enron Mail

To:steven.kean@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, mark.palmer@enron.com,james.steffes@enron.com
Date:Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

I talked with Jamie Rosenfeld, the CERA SVP and he said Dan Yergin
very much interested in this type of advocacy and right now is highly
sought out by TV and print media on these same issues which are of
concern to Enron -- on supply security, managing price volatility and
supply turmoil, avoiding regulatory backlash, and promoting just letting
the market work . Beyond Dan taking media referrals and an Op Ed
-- they suggested several more ideas.

1. November 1-2 is CERA's Houston Conference Roundtable. The day
before the Conference Enron could host a special session, a top 100
Leadership Circle, or a special dinner and dinnner /speaker to which key
media would be invited. Enron could invite special attendees like
PUC, NARUC , Congressional types and other Opiniion Leaders to attend.
We would get the shadow benefit of 1500-2000 attendees and media
in town for the Roundtable the next day.

In concert with the recent release of the CERA Electric Power Trends
publication, CERA would quickly prepare a similar short version of a
Natural Gas Trends publication (much is on the shelf already) and
Enron could purchase bulk copies of each . We could use a custom
cover letter from Ken and/or Jeff as the opportunity to inform PUC
chairs, key Members of Congress, the two Presidential campaigns'
leadership and other Opinion leaders about issues of importance to Enron
and its businesses -- this merges nicely with
the pro energy choice, pro markets, pro deregulation messages contained
in the text and graphics of Cera's Trends publications.

Enron could sponsor a 10 minute and or even a 30- 40 minute
Energy Security themed multi media presentation full of intellectual
content addressing the key electricity and gas reliability and pro
market forces messages Enron is espousing .We would advise target
audiences in a letter as to how to access the show on the Cera media
center on their web site and Cera could do this in concert with
EBS. Or it could be an add- on to the Trends publication/ letter
send out. In any case the multi media message gets the advantage of
exposure to the 10 000 eyeballs the CERA site already offers.

4. In Feb CERA has its Houston Executive Conference. If we have a
rough winter that could be great timing
for Enron to use this as a Problem Solving and Policy Setting Forum for
a high level 'how to' Workshop --and/or invite in some natural gas
and electricity end users and/or gas distributor speakers from the
buy side that "did it right" and can talk about how they hedged or
set up their portfolios to make it successfully through a tough
winter market. Security analyst speakers talking about doing it the
right way would also be useful.

My thought is that Item 2. sending the Trends publications
coupled with brief multi media messaging
(from Item 3) might give us the bigger impact faster and more
targeted than the others.

Do any of these appeal to you ?
