Enron Mail

Subject:New import capacity rules in Italy
Date:Tue, 15 Aug 2000 11:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

I will assume that you can retrieve e-mail by now. Below is a recent
development, as you have asked to be kept apprised. It is the draft, still
subject to comment, on how to allocate transmission import capacity into
Italy for 2001. Important, as it is our main (nearly only) source of
physical power to satisfy deals we have originated. What appears below is
Alfredo's summary. Recognise that English is not his first language
(probably his fourth), so it is a bit difficult to follow first time
through. mcs
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT on 15/08/2000
18:07 ---------------------------

Alfredo Huertas
15/08/2000 16:58
To: Riccardo Bortolotti/LON/ECT@ECT, Marco Lantieri/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul
Mead/LON/ECT@ECT, Marco De Angeli/LON/ECT@ECT, Peter Heydecker/LON/ECT@ECT,
cc: Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT, Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: New import capacity rules in Italy

The new delibera by the Authority outlines the methodology for the allocation
of import capacity in 2001. Full details should be necessarily developed in
full by the TSO by 30 Sept 2000. Find below, an apetizer for tomorrow's
conference call.

Main features

1. The Delibera asks the TSO to reach a compromise with neighbouring TSOs in
order to render the allocation "firm" and "deep", that is, to ensure that
agents who obtain import capacity into Italy receive a transparent and
non-discriminatory treatment by these foreign TSOs. In case of disagreement,
the Italian TSO will proceed autonomously with its own allocation (which is
the current status).

3. Allocation procedure: iterative auction. Clearing price "seems" to be
Pay-As-You-Bid, but the drafting is not conclusive.

4. No Letter of Credit or Declaration of Neighbouring TSOs, or Supply
Contract with end-customer required to agents participating in the auction.
This has been replaced by a Letter of Intention per consumption point
(which expresses interest for the capacity requested).

5. 80 (20) percent of ATC for 2001 to be allocated annually (monthly). Bids
before 30 Sept 2000 (90 days before the start of each month). Bidding block
is 10 MW, at non-decreasing prices.

6. Antitrust thresholds: 20 percent of ATC per border and per agent, 10
percent of total ATC per agent. The thresholds are applicable both to the
amount requested, and/or the amount allocated.

Main concerns

1. Any substantial progress with respect to the 2000 situation depends on the
ability of the Italian TSOs to fulfill its mandate of reaching a
co-ordinated allocation with neighbouring TSOs. The Delibera does not
provide any idea on how the Italian TSO may exercise its leverage to find a
successful solution (eg, making co-ordination more profitable for foreign
TSOs? Curtailing the level of import capacity in case of disagreement such
that foreign TSOs wheel less volumes/possibly make less money? Is money the
issue or perhaps, leaving us outside the game?)

2. The alternative in case of disagreement (that is, unilateral allocation of
50 percent of the ATC) makes no sense. If there is not an agreement (as it
happened in 2000), allocating only 50 percent unilaterally does not solve
anything. Actually, it could make things worse by removing some pressure by
agents who got allocated 100 percent of the capacity on the Italian side,
over foreign TSOs (as happened this year). As drafted, the Delibera makes
the Italian TSO to accept whatever allocation the foreign TSOs decide for
their 50 percent, without requesting a reciprocal treatment for the 50
percent capacity allocated by the Italian TSO!!! This could have been an
interesting "carrot" for the Swiss if properly articulated.

3. The details of the auction procedure contain several loopholes and
inconsistencies. Some clarification will be needed by the Autorita, and we
will need to send asap a list of all unclear definitions.

4. Only one letter of intention as in 4 above per consumption point. This
means the consumer gets tied up with a single supplier before the allocation
takes place.

5. Spot purchases by TSO still opaque. In some circumstances, this is being
favourable to us, so let's consider if we want to say anything here.

6. Lack of any reference to secondary trading of capacity. Not prohibited,
but not proposed or explicitly outlined.

7. The "Pay-as-you-Bid" criteria makes less attractive Paul/Marco's proposed
deal structure with ELES for sales into Italy.

More tomorrow,
