Enron Mail

To:steven.kean@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, james.steffes@enron.com,harry.kingerski@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com, jeff.dasovich@enron.com, mona.petrochko@enron.com, susan.mara@enron.com, sandra.mccubbin@enron.com, thane.twiggs@enron.com
Subject:Rate cap , Ratepayer relief and siting bills
Date:Fri, 1 Sep 2000 05:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

Summary of Davis/Alpert bill AB 260

Retro-active to June 1, 2000 through December 31, 2002, 6.5 cent/kWh cap on
the energy component for residential and small commercial customers (under
100 kW). The Commission has the ability to extend through 2003. The
Commission also has the ability to adjust the cap.

Commission can use revenues from utility-owned assets, refunds from FERC to
offset the undercollections. (In addition, a companion bill was passed that
provides $150 million of general fund money to offset undercollections.)

Large commercial/industrial/agricultural customers have an opportunity to
"opt-in" to the 6.5 cent/kWh cap with an annual true-up.

SDG&E will under a prudence review by the CPUC, which may be another source
of funds to offset the undercollection.

Specific classes subject to cap:

Schedule A, all acute care hospitals, all public and private k-12 schools,
all accounts on AL-TOU under 100 kW.

Attached a link to the bill

Summary of the rate payer relief bill AB 1156 which would
Transfer of $150,000,000 from the general fund to a subaccount within the
Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties.
Appropriate those funds from the subaccount, to the commission, to reduce the
adverse impact of high-cost wholesale energy purchases on certain ratepayers
if a specified rate ceiling is in effect, and if the commission determines
that a specified revenue shortfall would result in a ratepayer surcharge
greater than 10%, and the electricity rates were directly linked to Power
Exchange costs.
Declare that, on January 1, 2004, any remaining balance in the account would
revert to the General Fund.
Become operative only if AB 265 is enacted, as specified.
Take effect immediately as an urgency statute.
Attached a link to the bill

AB 970 Siting Bill.

AB 970 passed last night. The final version has not been published yet. The
final version should only have an additional amendment relating to a Calpine
facility in San Jose for which expeditious treatment has not been granted. We
will produce a summary once the enrolled version is available, which should
be today or Tuesday at the latest. Bellow is the previous amended version of
the Sitting Bill.

Attached a link to bill as amended on 8/7/00
