Enron Mail

To:alan.comnes@enron.com, angela.schwarz@enron.com, beverly.aden@enron.com,bill.votaw@enron.com, brenda.barreda@enron.com, carol.moffett@enron.com, cathy.corbin@enron.com, chris.foster@enron.com, christina.liscano@enron.com, christopher.calger@enron.co
Subject:Re-cap of Rep Caucus Briefing
Date:Fri, 16 Feb 2001 13:09:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 02/16/2001 09:09 PM -----

Jean Munoz <jmunoz@mcnallytemple.com<
02/16/2001 03:53 PM

To: IEP <jmunoz@mcnallytemple.com<
Subject: Re-cap of Rep Caucus Briefing

The Republican Caucus briefing Thursday was well attended, and members were
appreciative of the fact that Jan and other members of IEP took the time to
brief them. The feedback we've heard from Republican Leader Bill Campbell's
office and others is that the handouts IEP provided were great, and the
presentations very informative. In fact, several members acknowledged that
they had never heard the message communicated in such a clear, concise way.

Just fyi, one issue that is on the radar screen of Republicans is the fact
that generators have not been paid -- yet they still continue to supply
electricity to California.

We have offered to brief the Democrat Caucus, but they have not expressed
interest thus far. We will continue trying!

Below is a list of those who attended the meeting.


Jean Munoz
McNally Temple Associates, Inc.
916-447-6326 (fx)

Honorable Sam Aanestad
and staff Brett Michelin

Honorable Bob Pacheco

Honorable Pat Bates
and staff Russell Lowry

Honorable Anthony Pescetti
and staff Steve McCarthy

Assembly Republican Leader Bill Campbell
and staff Barbara Brown

Honorable Mark Wyland
and staff Stefanie Curry

Honorable John Campbell
and staff Matt Back

Honorable Phil Wyman
and staff Gina Zari

Honorable Dave Cox

Honorable Dick Dickerson

Honorable Dave Kelley

Honorable Jay LaSuer

Honorable Lynne Leach

Honorable Bill Leonard

Staff Attending on Behalf of Absent Member
Steffanie Watkins d Roy Ashburn
Rock Zierman d Mike Briggs
Aaron Bone d Dave Cogdill
Nancy Leneis d Dennis Mountjoy
Jerilyn Stanley d Rod Pacheco
Dan Pellissier d Keith Richman
Sarah Sprouse d Tony Strickland

Policy Consultants:
David Nunenkamp
Phil Nails

Staff from Senator McClintock, Senator Brulte,
Senator McPherson, and Senator Johannessen also attended