Enron Mail

To:harry.kingerski@enron.com, jbennett@gmssr.com
Subject:Some comments on the brief
Date:Sun, 29 Apr 2001 02:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

I forgot to email myself the brief to track changes, but here are my changes
in writing:

p. 1: Para starting "focusing on the latter," that sentence, change "get
creative" to be innavotaive in its approach."

p. 2: 1st full Paragraph, Second sentence, change "uniting" to "common" and
there is a typo on line5, reduction n consumption. Should be "of"

page 6: We need the RR for PG&E.

Under Part VII, Rate Design, can we insert a sentence that our proposal,
unlike the others, does not arbitrarily allocate costs to peak period. We
told Scott we wuold insert the arbitrariness of other proposals several times
in the brief.

We also need ro insert discussion about relation of peak to offpeak prices,
as a 3:2 ratio, which is not what other parties have proposed.

page 8: 2. Derivation of Threshold Usage:, first sentence, delete "between"
in first sentence.

page 9: Second full paragraph, begining "Again, the UDS's, " Second
sentence, sited should be "cited"

p. 12: First full paragraph beginning "A primary component," Insert a
sentence after the second sentence to mention, again, the arbitrariness of
proposals allocatin costs between peak and offpeak.

Second full parag, beginning, "Enron's proposal, can stick a sentence about
arbitrariness in there too. And change "more necessary goal" in 4th sentence
to "more critical goal"

I don't have the email I sent out about what we agreed to insert with Scott,
so if you have a chance, check it to make sure we did everything we agreed to.

I am going to try to come into the office very early tomorrow and will check
email again, but my son has an appointment with the neurologist here in
Houston at 9:20 am tomorrow, and that is where I will be when you have the
9:30 call (we made this appointment months ago). But I will communicate with
Harry and everyone else before then. Thanks.