Enron Mail

To:rob.milnthorp@enron.com, john.lavorato@enron.com, derek.davies@enron.com,tim.belden@enron.com, john.zufferli@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com, aleck.dadson@enron.com, richard.shapiro@enron.com, peter.keohane@enron.com, eric.thode@enron.com, mark.palme
Subject:Update - Alberta Power Pool Rule Changes
Date:Wed, 15 Nov 2000 09:28:00 -0800 (PST)

Dale McMaster called this afternoon to advise that the Power Pool Council
agreed to delay any decision on the recently proposed rule changes (importers
excluded from setting pool price and dispatch risk) for a period of two
weeks. During this two week period Dale has been asked to obtain stakeholder
input into ways to address concerns about whether the spot price in the
Alberta Power Pool is a product of interaction among competitiors in a
efficient market.

In our discussions with the Power Pool and ADRD today and yesterday Enron
expressed its willingness to work with the Power Pool to provide feedback on
suggested rule changes but has also made it clear that we do not agree with
the premise that there is a "problem" that requires "emergency" amendments to
the Pool rules. Our position has been that Alberta is short supply, and
significant changes to the rules and/or market design will only discourage
new generation development.

Dale McMaster had just left the Power Pool Council meeting when he called and
had not yet put much thought into how to define the issue he has to address
and what the process will be. We discussed the process and it appears he
will likely receive comments from stakeholders at large and also assemble a
small committee of 4-5 stakeholders (which would include Enron) to work with
the Power Pool to consider possible changes to the Pool rules. Dale said he
would try to pull together a "terms of reference" document that would define
the mandate of the small committee by tomorrow.

After my call with Dale McMaster, Peter Keohane and I spoke to Aleck Trawick
and we have asked Blakes to assist us in three areas:

1) Once the terms of reference of this small committee are released (and
assuming Enron is asked to participate on the committee) Blakes will assist
us with preparing a letter that states that Enron's participation does not
represent acknowledgement or agreement that the Power Pool Rules must be
amended to address the concerns of some stakeholders about real time pricing
in Alberta and that Enron's participation on the committee is on a without
prejudice basis;

2) Enron needs to obtain the final memo from Frontier Economics in which
Frontier provides its opinion on how the proposed rule changes: i) would
introduce price discrimination into the Alberta electricity market, ii) would
be contrary to the development of an efficient, fair and openly competitive
market for electricity, iii) would compromise the independence of the Power
Pool, and iv) would have the expected effect of artificially depressing the
real time price of electricity in Alberta. Once Blakes receives a copy of
the Frontier Economics memo, they will prepare a memo for Enron advising: i)
whether the two week process of consultation by the Power Pool is in
accordance with the standards required of the PPC as an administrative
tribunal operating in Alberta; and ii) whether such rule changes offend the
provisions of the EUA;

3) Blakes will advise Enron of the possible avenues of recourse (i.e. appeal
to the AEUB, and/or legal action in the Court of Queen's Bench) in the event
the proposed rule changes (or similar changes) are approved by the PPC at the
end of this two week period. GPC and Eric Thode will also be consulted on
this issue and obviously input from all those within Enron working on this
project will be sought prior to any decision being made to pursue any
possible legal remedies.

Please advise if you have any comments.

