Enron Mail

Subject:I need your help
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 21:31:03 -0800 (PST)

I still get 7-8 people every day whining about the "trading vs marketing th=
ing". Some of it is ridiculous but some of it could go away if we changed =
a few things. Either we call every commercial person a trader or we period=
ically acknowledge the existence of marketers. I vote for the latter. The =
employee presentation talked about "trading and operations groups", the onl=
ine materials talked about "trading staff and technology", the ubs spokespe=
rson today in the news article said "625 traders and support people", and s=
aid the traders are "talking to customers about getting contracts in place"=
. Tim's assistant tried to pull rank on my assistant because "we are a tra=
ding company now"!! The invites for the credit and legal meetings were call=
ed "trader meetings". The master agreement references the trading business=
. NETCO. In isolation, all of these things are trivial. Add it all up, we=
have a problem. We lost some of our better marketers due to this issue - =
I don't want to lose more in 6 or 12 months.

This is not a ying-yang issue:. I am thrilled about this deal closing, but =
we need to fix this or else we will have a nonproductive group of expensive=
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