Enron Mail

To:kenneth.l.lay@enron.com, kenneth.lay@enron.com, klay@enron.com,kenneth_lay@enron.com
Subject:Kovair Software, Inc. Strategic Customer/ Relationship Manageme nt
Date:Wed, 25 Oct 2000 08:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

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Key Customers, Partners, and Suppliers are your company's most valuable
strategic assets
as they account either for a majority of the revenues (80/20 rule) or carry
investor mindshare. The problem today is that these crucial relationships
are complex to manage, involving multiple people, systems, information, and
processes that cross company boundaries. As a result, studies show that
sales teams are spending upto half their time managing day-to-day account
coordination - taking valuable time away from selling.

The question is - How can you successfully foster strategic relationships
while lowering account management costs?

Our CEO faced this problem when managing relationships like these for a
leading high-tech company. She realized, in frustration, that there was no
infrastructure to manage strategic relationships consistently and
proactively. There were front-office automation and CRM applications that
improved forecasting, sales support and other internal processes, and there
were personalization applications that pushed information to customers, but
there was no application that provided a comprehensive customer-driven view
of strategic relationships.

So, we developed the Kovair VIPCenter -- a relationship-centered application
that crosses company boundaries and consolidates all the touchpoints in a
strategic relationship (people, applications, information, and processes).

Each VIPCenter is a bi-directional, relationship-specific Web portal that
fosters long-term collaboration and deeper intimacy with each of your
strategic partners, suppliers, and customers throughout the relationship

VIPCenter has a unique extensible application architecture. Out-of-the-box,
VIPCenter has
all the core applications needed to manage strategic relationships so you
can be up and
running quickly. And, it is built on Kovair's patented SRM platform,
providing seamless interoperability with CRM and ERP applications,
enterprise-class scalability, and extensibility.

Simply put, Kovair's VIPCenter allows you to build more intimate long-term
relationships with these key customers, suppliers and partners, while
lowering account management costs.

I have attached a Product Data Sheet, Technical Architecture Overview, and a
White Paper from the Aberdeen Group illustrating the importance of Strategic
Relationship Management.

I know it can sometimes be difficult to understand a solution from a simple
email. For a demonstration, or for more information on how we can help you
maximize the value of your strategic relationships, please contact me at
your earliest convenience. I can be reached at 408-546-2014.

Best Regards,

Robert Amaral
Vice President of Sales
Kovair Software, Inc.
2665 N.First Street, Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95134
(P) 408 546-2014
(F) 408 546-2089
email: robert@kovair.com

- ArchitectureLongC.doc
- Kovair Technical Overview.doc
- Kovair Product Overview.pdf
- Kovair_Security_and_Authorization.doc
- KovairAberdeenWhitePaper.pdf
- SRM_WhitePaper.pdf
- KOIE_WhitePaper.pdf