Enron Mail

Subject:Kudos to Enron!
Date:Wed, 30 Aug 2000 00:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mr. Lay,

They told us in orientation that it was okay to send you an e-mail, so I hope
I am not rocking the boat here! I just wanted to say that I am proud to be
working for Enron and Net Works!

From a book review on Amazon.com...

"According to Gary Hamel, the professor-turned-strategy-guru author of
Leading the Revolution, complacent establishment giants and one-strategy
start-ups are on the same side of the fence--the wrong side. He blows apart
the popular myth that innovation lies solely in the hands of dot.com dynamos
like AOL and Amazon by scrutinizing the examples of such "gray-haired
revolutionaries" as Enron and Charles Schwab, companies that have managed to
reinvent both themselves and their entire industries, time and again."


Zach Moring
Team Lead - Strategic Communications
Ext. 3-3253