Enron Mail |
I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you with a revision of the
paper. Attached please find a revised summary by Tim Koller. We hope it reflects well the discussion of our previous meeting. Before the next meeting, it is our intention to send along the longer discussion paper that would mirror this summary. I suggest this next meeting take place as a conference call at one of the following times. Please indicate with an "X" in the boxes next to the proposed dates which dates are good for you. Monday, November 20, 5 p.m. EST [ ] Tuesday, November 21, 5 pm EST [ ] Monday November 27, 6 pm EST [ ] We would like to get everyone's views in advance of this conference call, either in writing or by phone. Please indicate below what your preference would be. If a call is preferred, Valerie Petersen will contact your office to set it up. Call [ ] Writing [ ] There will be one last meeting scheduled after the conference call meeting takes place to go over the final draft. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks very much, Jeff <<SEC Doc Draft 1029 short.doc<< - SEC Doc Draft 1029 short.doc