Enron Mail

Subject:REMOVE FROM DISTRIBUTION - Re: Still time to register to attend
Date:Thu, 15 Mar 2001 08:22:00 -0800 (PST)

i2, HP and A.T. Kearney
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"Rightworks Marketing" <rightworksmarketing@rightworks.com< on 03/15/2001=
03:22:26 PM
Please respond to rightworksmarketing@rightworks.com
To: "Kenneth Lay" <klay@enron.com<
cc: =20
Subject: Still time to register to attend Best Practices in Strategic=20
Sourcing and Design web seminar sponsored by i2, HP and A.T. Kearney

This message is brought to you courtesy of RightWorks Corporation. Please s=
the end of this message for instructions on how to unsubscribe from future=
mailings. =20

=09Just a reminder...
=09If you haven't registered yet, it's not too late!
=09Best Practices in Strategic Sourcing
=09Collaborative Design
=09A Net Seminar for the High Tech Industry
=09Sponsored by i2 Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, and A.T. Kearney
=09Supplier Relationship Management:? Powering your Bottom Line
=09A one-hour power-packed presentation that focuses on understanding the =
of SRM solutions =01* how high tech companies like Hewlett-Packard and oth=
high tech companies are executing high velocity collaboration and decision=
optimization initiatives to improve product development, strategic sourcin=
supply planning, manufacturing, and procurement processes across the=20
extended supply chain.
=09This Tuesday, March 20, 2001, at 11:30a.m. (Eastern Standard Time)
=09Who: =20
=09John Kelly, Senior Director of SRM Product Development, i2, will share=
lessons learned from some of the world=01,s most successful companies in=
strategic sourcing and collaborative design.
=09Hewlett-Packard and other high tech companies will examine the use of=
collaborative eProcurement to streamline inbound supply chain management.
=09Your computer!
=09Win a Palm Viix!



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