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AlliancetoSaveEnergy@ase.org@crest.org on 03/26/2001 11:52:38 AM
Sent by: owner-e-fficiencynews@crest.org To: e-fficiencynews@lists.ase.org cc: =20 Subject: March e-FFICIENCY NEWS WELCOME TO e-FFICIENCY NEWS The monthly newsletter from the Alliance to Save Energy February 2001 Vol. 7 No. 3 ******************************** CONTENTS WE NEED YOUR HELP * How Can We Better Meet Your Needs? * CALL TO ACTION * Alliance Activists Can Make a Difference * EFFICIENCY NEWS * Senator Bingaman, Democrats, Introduce Centrist Energy Bill * Secretary Abraham Looks for Energy in Wrong Places * Democratic Task Force Weighs in on Bush Budget * Senate Hearing Examines Energy-Environmental Relationship * Financial Guru to Investors: Insulate; NAIMA Debuts New Consumer Web Site * IPCC: Energy Efficiency is Key in Mitigating Climate Change * Barriers to Energy Efficiency In Public, Private Organizations * State of the World Report * List Your Company in Two New CA Directories * Dallas Cleans the Air with the IECC Energy Code * Alliance Associates Honored with Awards * ALLIANCE NEWS * Alliance Offers Earth Day, Tax, Home Improvement Tips to Save Money * Special Issue of e-FFICIENCY NEWS to Analyze Federal Budget * EYE OPENERS * Energy Efficiency Facts Even Children Can Understand * Schools Spending on Energy * Save the Planet, Spare Your Wallet * EFFICIENCY EVENTS * Change in Location for National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outlook Conference March 27 * NAESCO=01,s 2001 Mid-Year Conference May 22-24 * Peak Load Management Conference April 30-May 1 * Environmental Film Festival April 5-8 * Energy Efficiency Workshop, Exposition June 3-6 * Pacific Gas and Electric RFP * EFFICIENCY PEOPLE * Energy Job Openings ******************************** WE NEED YOUR HELP How Can We Better Meet Your Needs? This year, e-FFICIENCY NEWS has a new editor and a new production schedule. First, e-FFICIENCY NEWS has upgraded from a bimonthly to a monthly newsletter. In order to make e-FFICIENCY NEWS more responsive, more interactive, and more useful, we need your help. Please fill out a brief survey and tell us how to make e-FFICIENCY NEWS better fit your needs. The survey can be found at: www.ase.org/e-FFICIENCY/e-fnsurvey.htm <http://www.ase.org/e-FFICIENCY/e-fnsurvey.htm< Gadi Nevo Ben-Yehuda e-DITOR, e-FFICIENCY NEWS The Alliance to Save Energy ******************************** CALL TO ACTION Alliance Activists Can Make a Difference As the country deals with a mounting energy crisis, the Department of Energ= y (DOE) may be planning an estimated 30-35 percent cut in the energy efficiency and renewable energy research and development programs budget. The Alliance calls on all responsible citizens to encourage the administration to do the right thing. Becoming an Alliance Activist is the first step. Become an Alliance Activist: <http://www.ase.org/takeaction/activist< Read the Alliance information page and send a letter to President Bush: <http://www.ase.org/takeaction/alert03-16.htm< ******************************** EFFICIENCY NEWS Senator Bingaman, Democrats, Introduce Centrist Energy Bill Senator Jeff Bingaman (NM), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and Chair of the Alliance to Save Energy, introduced comprehensive legislation to shape the nation's energy policy. ``If we want to tackle [our energy] problem[s] head-on, we need a comprehensive plan that commits to increasing domestic production and to using energy more efficiently throughout the economy. I believe this legislation sets out that plan," Bingaman said. Read more: www.senate.gov/~bingaman/ <http://www.senate.gov/~bingaman/< Read Alliance President David Nemtzow=01,s response: www.ase.org/media/newsrel/bingdaschnrg.htm << -------------------------------- Secretary Abraham Looks for Energy in Wrong Places Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, addressing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, noted: =01&America faces a major energy supply crisis over the next two decades.=018 But Abraham, like President Bush, is looking mainly to increa= se our supply of oil, coal, and natural gas, rather than approach both the supply and demand sides of the issue. Secretary Abraham mentioned energy efficiency only once in his entire speech, even though a reduction in deman= d is the quickest, cleanest, cheapest (and most reliable!) energy source at our disposal. Read Secretary Abraham=01,s remarks: www.energy.gov/HQDocs/speeches/2001/marss/energy_speech.html <http://www.energy.gov/HQDocs/speeches/2001/marss/energy_speech.html< -------------------------------- Democratic Task Force Weighs in on Bush Budget Last week, House Democrats threw their hat into the ring as the Democratic Caucus Energy Task Force held a news conference decrying Bush Administratio= n intentions to cut energy research significantly in their FY 2002 budget. The Alliance is quoted in their report, which emphasizes the role of research and development in providing long-term energy solutions. Read the report: www.house.gov/house/orgs_pub_hse_ldr_www.html <http://www.house.gov/house/orgs_pub_hse_ldr_www.html< Click on Democratic Leadership. -------------------------------- Senate Hearing Examines Energy-Environmental Relationship Alliance president David Nemtzow testified at a March 21 Senate Environment Committee Subcommittee hearing on the relationship of energy policies and environmental policies. Nemtzow pointed out that energy efficiency is now our nation=01,s second largest energy source. He also offered a series of recommendations for the Senators simultaneously to promote energy and environmental goals. For a copy of the oral version of his testimony and charts: www.ase.org/policy/testimony/march2101.htm <http://www.ase.org/policy/testimony/march2101.htm< -------------------------------- Financial Guru to Investors: Insulate; NAIMA Debuts New Consumer Web Site Parade Magazine February 18 personal finance writer Andrew Tobias advises readers =01&How to Invest in Uncertain Times.=018 His great home improveme= nt invest tip: =01&Earn 50 percent or more [on your investment] installing insulation and weather-stripping to cut your heating and air-conditioning costs=018 To educate consumers, the North American Insulation Manufacturer=01,s Association (NAIMA) has launched a radio campaign and a new consumer web site with a quiz to determine what your "IQ" is - your Insulation Quotient. Also on their new consumer site is a =01&savings calculator.=018 Take the quiz and see the consumer information at: <http://www.simplyinsulate.com/< -------------------------------- IPCC: Energy Efficiency is Key in Mitigating Climate Change The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third and final volume of its Third Assessment Report on climate change, which examines climate change mitigation strategies and places a heavy emphasis o= n using energy wisely. The report finds that energy efficiency for buildings, transportation, and industry could account for more than half of the potential greenhouse gas reductions achievable by 2020. Natural gas technologies, more efficient power plant technologies, and combined heat an= d power play an important role in reducing fossil energy power plant emissions. And "low-carbon energy systems," such as renewable energy, can also make an important contribution. Perhaps equally important is the finding that there is "no single path to a low emission future." Read more: www.unep.ch/ipcc/ <http://www.unep.ch/ipcc/< -------------------------------- Barriers to Energy Efficiency In Public, Private Organizations There is a gap between the opportunities for cost-effective energy- efficiency investment identified in energy models and the levels actually seen in practice, according to SPRU, a science and technology policy research group in England. The origins of the gap are claimed to lie in a series of barriers, such as lack of capital, lack of information or hidden costs, which prevent markets for energy and energy-using technologies from operating efficiently. SPRU says that understanding the size and nature of this gap is essential if policies to mitigate climate change through improved energy efficiency are to be successful. These policies must succee= d in the context of liberalizing energy markets and increasing interest in th= e development of a broadly based energy service industry. Read more: www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/environment/research/barriers.html <http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/environment/research/barriers.html< -------------------------------- State of the World Report From the thinning of the Arctic sea ice to the invasion of the mosquito-borne West Nile virus, the Worldwatch Institute's State of the World 2001 shows how the economic boom of the last decade has damaged natural systems. The report takes a fresh look at the most difficult challenge the world faces: how to build an environmentally sustainable economy before we do permanent damage to the natural systems that support our global civilization. Read more: secure.worldwatch.org/cgi-bin/wwinst/SOW01P <http://secure.worldwatch.org/cgi-bin/wwinst/SOW01P< -------------------------------- List Your Company in Two New CA Directories The California Energy Commission is currently putting together The 2001 Energy Technology Export Directory of California Companies and the U.S. Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Technology Export Directory 2001. Listing your company in either directory is free of charge. In addition, Spanish language versions of the paperback, compact disc, and an online interactive directory will be produced later in 2001. Read more: www.energy.ca.gov/export/notices/2001-02-01_notice.html <http://www.energy.ca.gov/export/notices/2001-02-01_notice.html< -------------------------------- Dallas Cleans the Air with the IECC Energy Code The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) voted this month to adopt the 2000 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for the Dallas region. This area accounts for almost 50,000 housing starts a year, more than are built in 42 states. One of the main reasons for adopting the code is the area's commitment to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions as part of the Texas state plan for controlling smog. Since the IECC contains a new standard for reducing window solar heat gain, which reduces air conditionin= g energy use substantially, it cuts NOx emissions from the power plants that serve the air conditioning load. The Alliance supported Public Citizen, th= e Texas Building Energy Institute, the Sustainable Living Alliance, NCTCOG staff, and others in this effort, working with the Building Codes Assistanc= e Project and Alliance Associates. -------------------------------- Alliance Associates Honored with Awards Many Alliance Associates were honored at the 2001 Energy Star Awards Ceremony, hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Additionally, the Industrial Energy Technology Conference (IETC) has selected Alliance Associate Owens Corning for a prestigious award for outstanding contributions to industrial energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. For a complete list of Energy Star award winners: www.epa.gov/nrgystar/pdf/winners_2001.pdf <http://www.epa.gov/nrgystar/pdf/winners_2001.pdf< Read more about the IETC award: www-esl.tamu.edu/ietc/ <http://www-esl.tamu.edu/ietc/< For more information, email Malcolm Verdict at mverdict@ase.org <mailto:mverdict@ase.org.<. ******************************** ALLIANCE NEWS Alliance Offers Earth Day, Tax, Home Improvement Tips to Save Money Amidst a backdrop of soaring energy prices and electricity reliability problems as Earth Day 2001 dawns April 22, consumers are also dealing with income tax returns and home improvements to get ready for summer. The Alliance to Save Energy offers consumers tips on how to "earn" money by investing in energy-efficiency improvements in their homes and simultaneously reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions with little effort. Read more: www.ase.org/media/newsrel/earthdaytips.htm <http://www.ase.org/media/newsrel/earthdaytips.htm< -------------------------------- Special Issue of e-FFICIENCY NEWS to Analyze Federal Budget The first federal budget proposed by the Bush Administration is due on or about April 3. Shortly after, the Alliance to Save Energy=01,s Policy Team will post a detailed analysis on the Alliance web site and will be covered in a special issue e-FFICIENCY NEWS. For Alliance policy news: www.ase.org/policy <http://www.ase.org/policy< ******************************** EYE OPENERS Energy Efficiency Facts Even Children Can Understand A vacant house at 55 Fahrenheit uses more energy for heating than an occupied one at 68 Fahrenheit, according to GPU Energy. The activity in an occupied house radiates a certain amount of heat and some of the energy users in your home are still operating while you areaway. Designed specifically for teachers and students, the GPU website features energy-related games, activities, experiments, downloadable teaching modules, and lesson plans on a variety of energy, electrical safety, energy conservation, and environment-related topics. Read more: www.gpukids.com <http://www.gpukids.com/< -------------------------------- Schools Spending on Energy Did you know that schools spend more on energy than on computers and textbooks combined? For more facts about energy and energy efficiency, visit: www.ase.org/consumer/didyouknow/ <http://www.ase.org/consumer/didyouknow/< For more on schools and energy efficiency, visit: www.ase.org/greenschools <http://www.ase.org/greenschools< -------------------------------- Save the Planet, Spare Your Wallet How much do you know about reducing water and energy consumption in the home? Take Environmental News Network=01,s (ENN) home energy and water efficiency quiz and learn new ways to save money and the planet: www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2001/03/03162001/homequiz_42465.asp?site=3Dema= il <http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2001/03/03162001/homequiz_42465.asp?si= t e=3Demail< ******************************** EFFICIENCY EVENTS Change in Location for National Energy Modeling System/Annual Energy Outloo= k Conference March 27 J.W. Marriott, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. For information about the conference, visit: www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/conf <http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/conf< If you have questions about registration or other conference information, please contact one of: Susan Holte at 202/586-4838 or susan.holte@eia.doe.gov <mailto:susan.holte@eia.doe.gov< Peggy Wells at 202/586-0109 or peggy.wells@eia.doe.gov <mailto:peggy.wells@eia.doe.gov< -------------------------------- NAESCO=01,s 2001 Mid-Year Conference May 22-24 Register online or view agenda at www.naesco.org/ <http://www.naesco.org/< -------------------------------- Peak Load Management Conference April 30-May 1 The Role of Demand Response Programs: Keeping the Grid Operating will focus on the future of demand response programs. Read more: www.peaklma.com/spring2001.html <http://www.peaklma.com/spring2001.html< -------------------------------- Environmental Film Festival April 5-8 Join environmental activists, media makers, educators, scientists, public officials, and funders for the third annual Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival. Read more: <http://www.hazelfilm.org/< -------------------------------- Energy Efficiency Workshop, Exposition June 3-6 =018New Horizons - Solutions for the 21st Century,=018 sponsored by Federal= Energy Management Program, meets in Kansas City, MO, June 3-6. to help government and private sector energy managers do their jobs better by showing the latest strategies, products, and resources available. For more information: www.energy2001.ee.doe.gov/ <http://www.energy2001.ee.doe.gov/< To register, call 800/395-8574 or 321/638-1014 -------------------------------- Pacific Gas and Electric RFP Pacific Gas & Electric Company is seeking third-party proposals that target Underserved and Hard-to-Reach market sectors Please contact Sharon Stone at 415-973-4388 for bid package. Bids must be returned by 2pm Wednesday, April 11, 2001. More Information: www.pge.com/purchasing <http://www.pge.com/purchasing< Click on Bid Opportunities, or more directly, www.pge.com/009_about/009b1_bid_oppt.shtml <http://www.pge.com/009_about/009b1_bid_oppt.shtml< ******************************** EFFICIENCY PEOPLE Energy Job Openings Looking for a position in the energy nonprofit field? There are several positions available, including: Alliance to Save Energy Development Associate <http://www.ase.org/about/humanr.htm< The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Energy Policy Director <http://www.aceee.org/< ******************************** CONTACT US Need to reach someone at the Alliance to Save Energy? Check out our staff listings by name and by area of expertise. http://www.ase.org/about/staff.htm -------------------------------- This e-mail newsletter is sent bimonthly to anyone interested in energy-efficiency issues. Gadi Nevo Ben-Yehuda, Editor, webmaster@ase.org <mailto:webmaster@ase.org< David Nemtzow, Publisher, nemtzow@ase.org <mailto:nemtzow@ase.org< To be removed from this list, do not reply to this message. Instead, send a message to: Majordomo@lists.ase.org <mailto:Majordomo@lists.ase.org< In the body of the message type in "unsubscribe e-fficiencynews" (without the quote marks). Do not include any other message in the body, including your signature file. If a friend has forwarded this message to you and you=01,d like to get it yourself, send us a message: subscribe@ase.org <mailto:subscribe@ase.org< -------------------------------- Do you have news you=01,d like to share with us? Do you have comments about e-FFICIENCY NEWS? Want to write an opinion piece? Letter to the editor? Share some information with others? We=01,d enjoy hearing from you. Send y= our news and comments to <Webmaster@ase.org<. Alliance to Save Energy 1200 18th St., NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036 202/857-0666 info@ase.org <http://www.ase.org/<