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Subject:RLC Increases NJ TV Buy as Franks-Corzine Race Tightens
Date:Wed, 25 Oct 2000 05:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

??????????! ??????????????????????????????????????????????? CONTACT: Matt
Wednesday, October 25,
?????&n! bsp;??????????????????????????????????????????????? PHONE:
??????????????????? PAGER: 888-781-2151
RLC Increases New Jersey TV Ad Buy
As Franks-Corzine Race Tightens
Budget-Busting, Anti-Taxpayer Corzine Issues
Beginning To Impact Senate Race

?Washington, DC -- The Republican Leadership Council (RLC) announced that it
will increase its existing New Jersey TV ad buy by an additional $250,000,
beginning immediately, and will step up efforts to point out the fiscal
profligacy associated with Democrat Jon Corzine's economic platform.

?"We're clearly making headway in our effort to educate New Jersey taxpayers
about the real cost of Corzine's ideas for big government, and we're going to
turn up the volume of our TV buy in New Jersey," said Mark Miller, Executive
Director of the RLC.? "The bottom line is that Jon Corzine's irresponsible
'free lunch' big spending schemes will ruin our economic prosperity, and send
the nation back into deficit spending."

?The RLC ad, which will be extended in both the Philadelphia and New York
markets, charges that Corzine's spending programs would cost the average
taxpayer $5,000 per year, and quotes a newspaper editorial saying that,
"Corzine's... schemes would come at a tremendous cost to taxpayers."

?Meanwhile, a new Quinnipiac College survey of 909 likely New Jersey voters
released today shows GOP candidate Bob Franks within five points, 46%-41%,
even after being outspent by Corzine by record margins.

?Miller noted that the new survey shows Corzine with an unimpressive 30% -
26% Favorable/ Unfavorable rating overall, and evenly split among
independents at 26%.

?"Because Corzine's message is based almost entirely on giving away taxpayers
dollars for government program after government program, taxpayers are
looking more skeptically at his proposals," said Miller.? "New Jersey
taxpayers don't believe Corzine should spend their money as recklessly as he
spends his own money."

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