Enron Mail

Subject:RLC Release: New Radio Ad Slams Corzine Dishonesty
Date:Mon, 25 Sep 2000 03:12:00 -0700 (PDT)


?????????&nb! sp;???????????????????????????????????? CONTACT: Matt Well
Monday, September 25,
?????&nb! sp;?????????????????????????????????????? PHONE: 202-547-1700
???????? PAGER: 888-781-2151
New Radio Ad Slams Corzine Dishonesty
Surrounding Questionable Financial Dealings

Washington, DC -- Calling the campaign of liberal New Jersey Democrat Senate
candidate Jon Corzine, "a cynical and manipulative effort to deceive New
Jersey voters about Corzine's questionable and mysterious financial
dealings," Mark Miller, Executive Director of the Republican Leadership
Council (RLC) announced the release of a new radio ad that begins airing this
morning throughout New Jersey.

The text of the 60-second radio ad, entitled "Dodge," is as follows:


Money can buy multi-millionaire Jon Corzine a lot, but it can't buy New
Jersey's trust... he must earn it.? And that's a problem for Jon Corzine.
According to recent news reports, Jon Corzine is having trouble with the

Corzine and his supporters were asked if Jon Corzine had contributed to their
organizations prior to receiving their political endorsements.? The answer
was "no".

Now, Corzine's own records indicate his foundation did give one of the groups
a contribution.? Corzine responded that the contribution came before he
announced his candidacy.? But Corzine's own records revealed that he made the
contribution after he announced his candidacy.? Corzine said the tax exempt
contribution was for an after school program.? But the group's leader said
that Corzine knew the contribution was for a political office.

Call Jon Corzine at 973/643-0500.? Tell him trust is something money can't
buy.? Paid for by the Republican Leadership Council.

?Said Miller: "Jon Corzine has created his own campaign problems by
continuing to shroud his financial past in secrecy.? Mr. Corzine's vast
wealth has allowed him to buy a record number of slick political ads, but if
he thinks he can simply purchase the trust of New Jerseyans, he's in for a
very unpleasant surprise."

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