Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Dates for the Faculty-Alumni Awards at MU...
Date:Fri, 2 Jun 2000 10:44:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mr. Pfeffer -

Dr. Lay asked me to tell you it's fine to proceed ahead with the 2001 date.
It looks available on his schedule. Please let me know if you need
information from us.


"Walter L. Pfeffer" <mizzouwally@compuserve.com<@compuserve.com< on
05/26/2000 11:04:25 AM
To: "Hon. Dr. Kenneth L. Lay" <klay@enron.com<
Subject: Dates for the Faculty-Alumni Awards at MU...

Dear Dr. Lay,
In my last note, I believe I promised to check on the dates for the
Faculty-Alumni Awards ceremonies in the future. The University and the MU
Alumni Association have them scheduled for:
October 26, 2001,
October 4, 2002, and
October 10, 2003.
As I mentioned, the nominations are due February 1st of each year, and
attendance at the awards ceremony is necessary in order to receive it. The
process is competitive, but I would like to proceed with your nomination
this coming winter if the 2001 date is available on your schedule.
I visited with Mr. Purdy yesterday about a project at the Evans
Scholars House. He and Mrs. Purdy seem to be doing fine - and enjoying the
spring sunshine!
I look forward to visiting with you again. Until then, I am
Cordially yours,
Wally Pfeffer
Past-President, Leaders
College of Arts & Science

p.s. hope you have a relaxing holiday weekend!