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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Rosalee Fleming X-To: Anne Culver <aculver@houston.org< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kenneth_Lay_June2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: LAY-K X-FileName: klay.nsf Anne, Ken will be out of town. Rosie Anne Culver <aculver@houston.org< on 03/25/2001 03:47:18 PM To: "'laboon@lockeliddell.com'" <laboon@lockeliddell.com<, "'jmblackmon@Shell.Com'" <jmblackmon@Shell.Com<, "'charles@duncaninterests.com'" <charles@duncaninterests.com<, "'klay@enron.com'" <klay@enron.com<, "'dan.smith@lyondell.com'" <dan.smith@lyondell.com<, "'kfrels@bracepatt.com'" <kfrels@bracepatt.com<, "'scottforbes32@hotmail.com'" <scottforbes32@hotmail.com<, Jim Kollaer <jkollaer@houston.org< cc: "'DWilliams@lockeliddell.com'" <DWilliams@lockeliddell.com<, "'betty@duncaninterests.com'" <betty@duncaninterests.com<, "'rfleming@enron.com'" <rfleming@enron.com<, "'qshwadlenak@bracepatt.com'" <qshwadlenak@bracepatt.com<, Arlene McCarty <AMCCARTY@HOUSTON.ORG<, "'tricia.l.thompson@exxon.com'" <tricia.l.thompson@exxon.com<, "'david.d.sigman@exxon.com'" <david.d.sigman@exxon.com<, "'dewinkler@shell.com'" <dewinkler@shell.com<, "'sareeves@shellus.com'" <sareeves@shellus.com<, "'pfg@vnf.com'" <pfg@vnf.com<, "'jshep1@flash.net'" <jshep1@flash.net< Subject: Dinner with Tom DeLay and others on April 6th -- additional infor mation To: Bruce LaBoon, Steve Miller, Charles Duncan, Ken Lay, Steve Letbetter, Dan Smith, Kelly Frels, Ed Galante, Jim Edmonds, Jim Kollaer The purpose of this email is to provide additional detail to follow up on the phone call each of you received on Friday, checking availability for dinner with Congressman DeLay and others on Friday, April 6th. BACKGROUND During the last week of February, BCCA and Partnership leaders met separately with Congressman DeLay, Congressman Joe Barton and with two top staff members of Mr. DeLay, in order to update them on our extensive activities aimed at federal Clean Air Act compliance. Pursuant to those meetings, Mr. DeLay's office has asked for some follow-up meetings to be held in Houston on Friday, April 6th. He intends to travel to this area on that day along with, and as host to, Congressman Barton (R-Texas, Chairman of the Energy and Power Subcommittee of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce) and with Congressman Billy Tauzin (R-Louisiana, Chairman, House Committee on Energy and Commerce). The Energy and Commerce Committee has oversight over Clean Air Act matters. DeLay has requested support from and interaction with the BCCA and the Partnership on that day. APRIL 6TH ACTIVITY After time spent early in the day in Mr. DeLay's congressional district to meet with Brazoria and Fort Bend County local officials, Mr. DeLay has asked us to then pick up the itinerary with a ship channel tour and presentations on SIP status, science and modeling issues. We are working closely with Mr. DeLay's staff on all these matters. He has asked to end the day with a "small dinner with CEOs" to have a frank discussion about our clean air issues. This is the dinner my staff called your office about on Friday. Clearly, Mr. DeLay is interested in what he and the other congressmen may be able to due legislatively to assist in addressing some of the issues we have with the SIP. He has asked that we also invite Governor Perry to attend the dinner, which we are doing. Mr. DeLay will call the Governor to encourage his attendance. This will obviously be a critical opportunity to relay targeted information and advise on strategy with key members of Congress and the Governor. Everyone in attendance at the dinner will be provided coordinated talking points in advance. There may also be a formal briefing arranged immediately before or after the April 3 Partnership Board meeting so we can prep in advance. RSVPs TO DATE Responses so far indicate that Steve Miller, Ed Galante, Jim Edmonds and Jim Kollaer are confirmed to attend the dinner. Charles Duncan and Kelly Frels are checking calendars. Ken Lay, Steve Letbetter and Dan Smith are unavailable. We do not have a commitment yet from the Governor. We will likely recruit two or three other CEOs from BCCA member companies to attend the dinner. My current thought is to house the members of Congress at the St. Regis and to arrange the dinner either at the River Oaks Country Club or possibly at a board member's home nearby. I trust this additional information is useful to you. I will be the Partnership point person on this -- please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have. Thank you. Anne Culver Sr. VP, Government Relations Greater Houston Partnership 713/844-3624 (ph) 713/844-0224 (fax) aculver@houston.org Visit our website at www.houston.org