Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Governors Conference
Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2000 17:51:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Rosalie.? That's great. I guess this means that Ken and Governor
Knowles had a good talk!? I think Ken will enjoy it, and it's a great
platform.? I heard a news report on National Public Radio that mentioned the
summit already.? Appreciate your help.? Best, Dan

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth.Lay@enron.com [mailto:Kenneth.Lay@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 3:21 PM
To: Dan Yergin
Subject: Re: Governors Conference

Hi Mr. Yergin -

I just wanted to make sure that you knew that Ken does plan to do this.? He
did talk to Governor Knowles.



Dan Yergin <dyergin@CERA.com< on 08/15/2000 11:22:38 AM

To:?? Kenneth.Lay@enron.com
Subject:? Governors Conference

Dear Ken,

It was good to talk with you last week, and I hope you got some vacation in
Aspen.? I'm working at it!

Rosalie said you'd be getting in this afternoon, and I? wanted to reach you
by phone or e-mail before Governor Tony Knowles from Alaska calls you.
Governor Knowles (classmate of George W.), along with Governor Taft of
Ohio, has enlisted us in a conference that seven governors are sponsoring
on natural gas in order to elucidate the market and issues -- and needs --
before it explodes as a political issue -- and perhaps helps head it off
(in contrast to what happened with gasoline).? Governor Knowles is the
current chairman of the Interstate Oil Compact Commission, and it will be
under the auspices of the IOCC.? They promise at least seven governors and
a lot of other distinguished people.? It seems to us that this is a very
timely event.

They would like to invite you to be the luncheon speaker.? (I will be
kicking off the conference).?? It looks to be a very good and high
visibility platform.? And they would be very keen and excited -- and
honored -- to have you in that featured role in it works for your schedule.

It takes place in Columbus, Ohio, on September 20.

Tony is a very good guy, and of course natural gas as well as oil looms
very large for him.? You'll enjoy talking with him.? He can certainly fill
you in further on what they would like to accomplish.

If it works out for you to do this in terms of your schedule and interest,
that would be great.

On behalf of the governors, thank you for the consideration.

