Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Invitation to deliver 2001 IAEE conference keynote
Date:Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

Michelle, this came through just fine. His address looks perfect.


Michelle Michot Foss <mmfoss@UH.EDU< on 08/15/2000 07:13:38 PM
To: "Dr. Kenneth Lay" <kenneth.lay@enron.com<
cc: =20
Subject: Invitation to deliver 2001 IAEE conference keynote

Dear Ken:

Next April 25-27, 2001, Houston will host the 24th conference of the
International Association for Energy Economics, in combination with the
annual meeting of our U.S. Association for Energy Economics affiliate. We
invite you to serve as our opening keynote speaker at the kick off luncheon
on Wednesday, April 25 to help set the tone, goals and objectives for this

Our theme is "2001: An Energy Odyssey." We are using the conference to
showcase the role of economics in developing markets for energy, and to
deal with issues that impede, or facilitate, market development as well as
enterprise strategy and metamorphosis. We can think of no one better to
clearly define these major themes and priorities than you.

I was a speaker and delegate at the World Forum on Energy Regulation in
Montreal last May, and greatly enjoyed your luncheon keynote (and hope that
the regulators and policy makers attending the Forum took your key points t=
heart). The thoughts you offered -- on the importance of standards, the
opportunities to build network platforms and Enron's own experience, are of
vital importance to IAEE/USAEE members. We would ask you to include
comments on the fundamental importance of economic principles in both
guiding market development and the efforts of those of us who operate in
markets on behalf of enterprises.

The IAEE remains the largest worldwide combination of industry, business an=
university interests engaged in energy development and policy. To bring yo=
up-to-date on the association, our Web site is www.iaee.org. I'm sure
Rosilea will have someone on her staff pull the relevant materials together
for you. I have also included the call for papers for the Houston conferenc=
(at the end of this mail) which lines out the major sessions and topics. In
addition to our invitation to you, we are inviting Mark Moody-Stuart of
RD/Shell for the April 26 keynote luncheon to address environmental issues
and Rilwanu Lukman, Secretary General of OPEC (and a member of IAEE), in a
joint session with the Board of Directors of the Offshore Technology
Conference on Friday, to cover worldwide outlooks for oil and gas.

Finally, as you know, Enron Corp. for some time has been a corporate
sponsor of our UH Energy Institute and the previous Natural Gas Project,
which you helped to found. Thus, we also are relying on Rob Bradley to hel=
identify and implement the major environmental themes for the plenary
session, "Sustaining Development" (yes, we indeed are trying to turn
thinking around with our re-phrasing).

I hope to hear from Rosilea soon on your interest and availability. We
look forward to having you with us next April!


Michelle Michot Foss, Ph.D.
Director, Energy Institute

General Chairman, IAEE/USAEE 24th Conference and
President Elect, USAEE

College of Business Administration
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-6283 USA
Tel. 713-743-4634
Fax 713-743-4881


Hosted by:
United States Association for Energy Economics
Houston Chapter, USAEE/IAEE

2001: An Energy Odyssey?

Omni Hotel =01) Houston, Texas - USA
April 25-27, 2001

Conference Objective
To look ahead at the changing energy landscape and the future role of energ=
economics across fuels, business segments and geographies.

Session Themes and Topics

*Redefining the energy industry, the energy business and the energy
*Coming to terms with the New Economy
*Industry consolidation: what=01,s next?

*What is sustainable development and how should it be measured?
*Market tools for sustainability
*Balancing energy and environmental needs

*Political risk assessment in investment decisions
*Techniques for price risk management
*Why risk management fails

*Sub-national issues: how do they play in the end game?
*New paradigms =01) markets, regions, corporate roles, NOC roles
*The end of the oil era, what would it mean?

*Impacts on energy demand
*Impacts on energy supply
*E-commerce linkages and impacts

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: December 4, 2000
(Please included your CV when submitting your abstract)

Anyone interested in organizing a session should propose topics,
motivations, and possible speakers to Program Co-Chairs:
Leslie J. Deman =01) 713-230-3429 / ldeman@coral-energy.com
Marianne S. Kah =01) 281-293-2136 / marianne.s.kah@usa.conoco.com

Abstracts should be between 200-1500 words and must clearly address the
theme of the conference and topics above to be considered for presentation
at the meeting. At least one author from an accepted paper must pay the
registration fees and attend the conference to present the paper. All
abstracts/proposed sessions and inquiries should be submitted to:

David Williams, Executive Director, USAEE/IAEE
28790 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 350, Cleveland, OH 44122 USA
Phone: 216-464-2785 / Fax: 216-464-2768 / E-mail: usaee@usaee.org

Conference Chair Emeritus: John B. Boatwright
General Conference Chair: Michelle M. Foss
Program Co-Chairs: Leslie J. Deman / Marianne S. Kah
Arrangements Chair: David L. Williams

AGAIN THIS YEAR: USAEE Best Student Paper Award ($1000.00 cash prize plus
waiver of conference registration fees). If interested, please contact
USAEE Headquarters for detailed application/guidelines.