Enron Mail

To:david.tagliarino@enron.com, karen.marshall@enron.com,elyse.kalmans@enron.com
Subject:Cougars@Enron Golf tournament
Date:Tue, 31 Oct 2000 05:27:00 -0800 (PST)

Good day to all,
Cougars@Enron is hosting our first annual golf tournament on March 26, 2001
at Falcon Point Golf Club in Katy. The purpose for the golf tournament is to
provide scholarships for Enron dependants to attend the University of Houston
and fund operating expenses. Mr. Lay has graciously agreed to be our
honorary chair for this event which will most certainly guarantee success. I
would like to ask that Enron participate in this event from a sponsorship
capacity. Many Enron employees, University of Houston faculty, students and
alumni will be participating and I believe that this will be a chance to
promote the Enron name in all of those areas. Considering that we are
pushing the area of recruiting with this university, this will be an
excellent way to enhance said efforts. We will be marketing the sponsors
through advertising, tournament recognition and special mention at the post
tournament reception and dinner. The levels are as follows:

Amount Level What is received
$5,000.00 Title sponsor Advertising and recognition throughout the entire
event. 2 teams of four to play the tournament. Golf shirts, lunch and
dinner for sponsor participants. Invitation to present scholarships at the
scholarship dinner subsequent to the event.

$2,500.00 Gold sponsor Advertising and recognition throughout the entire
event. 1 team of four to play the tournament. Golf shirts, lunch and
dinner for sponsor participants.

$2,500.00 Silver sponsor Advertising and recognition throughout the entire
event. 2 people to play the tournament. Golf shirts, lunch and dinner
for sponsor participants.

$100 Hole sponsor Advertising at 1 hole of the tournament.

I believe that Enron would benefit from participating in this event. The
scholarships benefits Enron employees, there are 650 Enron employees that are
graduates of the University of Houston who will take great pride in knowing
that Enron supports their university, the recruiting program will benefit
because deans, faculty, professional groups, students and alumni will be
involved which should enhance relations that would beneficial to our efforts

Please let me know what we can do. I continue to believe that Cougars@Enron
is a group that can benefit the company, the employees and the university and
this tournament will be the key to its success.

Thanks for your time!!
Jeff McClellan