Enron Mail

Subject:EBS Transactions
Date:Mon, 13 Nov 2000 05:32:00 -0800 (PST)

As discussed. Historically we have only counted transactions that we have
received signed paper back from the counterparty. Below, is all the
transactions we have completed to date - where commercial terms have been
agreed and the deal closed.
----- Forwarded by Jim Fallon/Enron Communications on 11/13/00 01:29 PM -----

Barry Pearce
11/13/00 01:03 PM

To: Mary Clark/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Shelly Mansfield/Enron Communications@Enron
cc: Paul Racicot/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jim Fallon/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Kristin Albrecht/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: EBS Bullets

Update to replace the numbers in red below. Plus a couple of other numbers.

201 transactions (126 long haul circuits, 71 local loop, 3 IP
transit/transport, 1 satellite)
43 counterparties

Transactions as at 9/30: 55
Q4 to date: : 146
Total LTD : 201

In the last 2 weeks - for long haul circuits - we have completed 30 (last
week) & 22 (week before) transactions respectively. All the local loop deals
are included in the Q4 number.

Shelly Mansfield
11/13/00 11:28 AM

To: Mary Clark/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: EBS Bullets

--Enron Broadband Services and Blockbuster will be launching entertainment on
demand in four U.S. cities in December - Seattle, New York, Portland, Ore.,
and American Fork, Utah (approx. 30 miles south of Salt Lake City).
--Momentum is gaining in EBS' bandwidth intermediation business. EBS has now
completed 115 transactions with 24 counterparties. Transactions this quarter
have already surpassed transactions for the first three quarters of 2000.

Shelly Mansfield
Enron Broadband Services
713-853-4589 office
713-646-8887 fax
877-929-7889 pager
713-303-4720 cellular