Enron Mail

To:klay@enron.com, kathleent@parkwayinvestments.com
Subject:Fwd: BCCA Fundraising Update 12-12-00
Date:Wed, 13 Dec 2000 04:19:00 -0800 (PST)

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From: HmlangeTX@aol.com
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Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 00:40:25 EST
Subject: BCCA Fundraising Update 12-12-00
To: zimmermanj@tcbhou.com, Williams@lockeliddell.com, jkollaer@houston.org,
GBEATTY@houston.org, rob_bradley@enron.com, charles@duncaninterests.com,
laboon@lockeliddell.com, tdowe@houston.org, betty@duncaninterests.com
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DATE: December 12, 2000

TO: George Beatty
Charles Duncan
Ned Holmes
Jim Kollaer
Bruce LaBoon
Ken Lay
Jim Royer

FROM: Heidi M. Lange

RE: Business Coalition for Clean Air Fundraising Update

Level A -- Major Donor fundraising is off to a great start. Below is a
summary, by targeted donor, of our progress.


-El Paso Energy/Coastal (LaBoon\Holmes) $150,000 Pledged

-ENRON (Lay) $200,000 Pledged

-Port of Houston (Holmes\Royer) $100,000 Pledged
to approve via a vote by the board on Monday

-Reliant Energy (Lay) $200,000 Pledged

-Shell Oil (Lay\LaBoon\ Duncan) $200,000 Pledged


-Compaq Computer Corp. (Lay) $100,000 to $150,000 estimated pledge

-ExxonMobil (Lay/LaBoon) ?? Exxon is unable to commit to a pledge at this

Below is a list of targeted major donors and some newly assigned solicitors.
Please advise if you have any suggestions of individual solicitors to make
our dedicated request.

-AES Deepwater (Request $100,000)
need assistance

-Air Liquide (Request $200,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Steve Miller, Shell

-Bechtel (Request $100,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Steve Miller, Shell

-BP Amoco (Request $250,000)
Ken Lay

-Chevron (Request $100,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Jim Royer

-City of Houston Airport (Request $100,000)
George Beatty to advise

-Conoco (Request $150,000)
Ken Lay
Bruce LaBoon and Jim Royer available if needed

-Continental Airlines (Request 150,000)
Ken Lay
Ned Holmes available if needed

-Dow Chemical (Request $100,000)
need assistance
merging with Union Carbide Corp.

-Dynegy (Request $100,000)
Ken Lay
Ned Holmes available if needed

-Entergy (Request $100,000)
need assistance

-Flour-Daniel (Request $150,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Steve Miller, Shell

-Halliburton (Request $200,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Steve Miller, Shell

-Marathon Oil (Request $200,000)
need assistance

-Phillips Petroleum (Request 250,000)
Ken Lay

-Rohm & Haas Texas (Request $50,000)
need assistance

-Texaco (Request $75,000)
Bruce LaBoon
Jim Royer

-Texas Petrochemicals (Request $50,000)
need assistance

-Union Carbide Corp. (Request $75,000)
need assistance
merging with Dow Chemical

-Valero (Request $150,000)
Ken Lay

Faxes announcing the BCCA Major Donor fundraiser have been sent, and
follow-up calls regarding participation are being made. An update will be
faxed to you on Friday.

Again, thank you for your help and hard work. Please call me at 713-681-1996
if you have any questions or comments regarding the above information.

Cc: Tammy Dowe
Frances Leff
Joe Zimmerman