Enron Mail

To:james.bannantine@enron.com, cliff.baxter@enron.com,sanjay.bhatnagar@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com, diomedes.christodoulou@enron.com, david.delainey@enron.com, mark.frevert@enron.com, david.haug@enron.com, larry.izzo@enron.com, mike.mcconnell@enron.c
Subject:Invitation to Corporate Responsibility Task Force Meeting
Cc:james.derrick@enron.com, kelly.communications@enron.com,mark.koenig@enron.com, ken.communications@enron.com, paula.rieker@enron.com, mark.schroeder@enron.com, john.sherriff@enron.com, rob.walls@enron.com, pam.benson@enron.com, jana.mills@enron.com
Bcc:james.derrick@enron.com, kelly.communications@enron.com,mark.koenig@enron.com, ken.communications@enron.com, paula.rieker@enron.com, mark.schroeder@enron.com, john.sherriff@enron.com, rob.walls@enron.com, pam.benson@enron.com, jana.mills@enron.com
Date:Tue, 12 Sep 2000 02:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

As part of our commitment to responsible business practices around the worl=
we have recently launched a Corporate Responsibility function at Enron. Th=
further development, implementation and ultimate success of this effort wil=
depend upon the participation and coordination of the business units and=20

To that end, we are launching a Corporate Responsibility task force, which =
will chair. The roles of this task force will include developing and=20
coordinating social and environmental policies, strategy, and information=
among the Enron business units; monitoring alignment of business activities=
with corporate responsibility goals; and providing a forum for business uni=
to share issues and develop a consistent strategy. Kelly Kimberly, Senior=
Vice President of Corporate Responsibility, and also of Marketing=20
Communication and Public Relations for Enron Broadband Services, will lead=
the overall corporate responsibility initiative. Additionally, because of=
their interest and experience working on these issues, Paula Rieker, Mark=
Schroeder and Rob Walls have already volunteered to represent their=20
respective business units on the task force.

As a leader at Enron, I am seeking your participation, support and=20
leadership. I am asking the head of each business unit or major corporate=
function to either participate personally or designate a VP-or-higher level=
individual to serve as a member of the task force. I look forward to your=
organization=01,s participation.

The first task force meeting will be in Houston from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m=
. =20
Please choose one of the dates listed below, note your designee, and respon=
to Stacy Walker by Tuesday, September 19, by fax at 713-646-3248, or by pho=
at 713-853-3583. Additional details, such as an agenda and a meeting=20
location, will follow.

October 3 _____ October 25 _____

October 4 _____ Designee _________________________
