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Subject:Roundarch Customer Relationship Newsletter - Building Blocks
Date:Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:27:31 -0800 (PST)

corp_logo.gif (4229 bytes) Roundarch Building Blocks Newsletter =
Issue 3, January 2002 Contents Who We Are CRM Talk Back Did You Know? =
In This Issue: Content Management and its importance to your Portal Strateg=
y What is Content Management? 5 Challenges to Content Management Imple=
mentation 10 Problems in Existing Enterprises that Content Management App=
lications Can Resolve 5 Things to Ask Vendors When Selecting a Content Ma=
nagement Product Critical Steps to Developing Your Content Management Sol=
ution The Bottom Line: Content Management Value Propositions Problem So=
lved: Content Management in Enterprise Portal Case Studies Roundarch Webs=
ite Polling Stats Homework: Books and Links of Interest What's Going On: =
Events and Conferences Roundarch Contact Information Who We Are Roun=
darch helps organizations realize superior financial results by designing, =
building, and supporting profitable customer relationships. As the world's =
first Customer Relationship Architects, Roundarch combines strategy, market=
ing, and technology professionals with formalized assets that truly jump-st=
art and accelerate the solution development process. Roundarch's unique Sta=
rtAhead? approach reduces the time and risk of implementing a customer rela=
tionship solution by pre-selecting and pre-integrating market leading ideas=
, technologies and specialists. Founded by marketing and systems integratio=
n leaders WPP Group (NASDAQ: WPPGY), Deloitte Consulting, and BroadVision (=
NASDAQ: BVSN), Roundarch is equipped with best of breed consulting skills, =
agency expertise, and technology know-how. CRM Talk Back Lessons Learned=
- Holiday Shopping on the Net 2001 This year I decided to purchase all of=
my Holiday gifts on the Internet - even down to the wrapping paper and tap=
e. By using sites that offered free shipping or deep discounts I was able =
to save over $100 dollars by not paying sales tax and I got to avoid the ma=
lls. The following represents my Top Ten Observations: Be prepared to tur=
n your home into a warehouse! I ordered over 20 items from Amazon that resu=
lted in 12 large boxes. Why does Barbie need her own box that could easily=
hold a DVD player? Consolidating orders could work for me, even if it me=
ant a slight delay in arrival. Pet peeve number 1 - After many hours of "br=
owsing" items and comparing prices, I settled on an item. Three days late=
r I received an email saying that the item was out of stock. This reminde=
d me of retail bait and switch tactics. If you don't have the product, tak=
e it off your site! Pet peeve number 2 - Customer service representatives w=
ho don't have information about your online order. If you are going to se=
ll online you need to service your online customers. The days of being ab=
le to say - "I will research this and get back to you" are over. Companies=
need to empower their front line personnel with data. It's too easy for =
me just to place my next order with the competition. Pet peeve number 3 - L=
et me track my package. Those sites that do not allow tracking of orders c=
ost company more money. It means you had to place numerous calls to their =
service department to check on delivery status. Pet peeve number 4 - Shoppi=
ng carts that "lock up". When this happens I not only abandon my order, I =
abandon doing business with the company. Great stuff number 1 - After placi=
ng an order some companies sent me an email with a discount gift certificat=
e to use on my next order. This "25%" sent me rushing back to the site, wh=
ich built customer loyalty. Great stuff number 2 - Payal. When buying on e=
Bay, this service allows you to email funds directly to the seller. No mon=
ey order, no checks, and the funds can come right out of your checking or s=
aving accounts. It's a great way to do business and it's free. Great stuff=
number 3 - There are a few things that really stand out on some sites. He=
re they are: Allowing the customer to "search" the site - seems so simple=
- but not everyone has the capability. Pre-filled forms. When I go back =
to a site to place another order it's great when my shipping and billing in=
formation is already there. It saves me time and also increases my loyalt=
y. Great stuff number 4 - Comparison-shopping for price. Sites like mysimo=
n.com and cnet.com allowed me to find the best deals. The price and shippi=
ng rates differ in such a big way from company to company - a great tool es=
pecially for electronics. Internet shopping has come a long way. Those com=
panies that make it easy to do business with them have a great advantage. =
However, that advantage is quickly lost when the user experience comes up s=
hort in the service area. Companies that respond to emails, and can answer=
customer questions over the phone help to bridge the gap between the expec=
tations of the customer and the experience the customer has. As companies =
strive to create their brand and the need to "arm" their sites and customer=
service organization with best of breed technology becomes critical. I wi=
ll gladly spend my money with the company but they have to give me a reason=
to not spend it with their competitor. What was the last Internet custom=
er service experience you had? Did the company go out of its way to satisf=
y you? Or was it just the opposite? We want to hear from you. Please email=
euffer@roundarch.com with your story. Did You Know? [IMAGE] In This Is=
sue: Content Management and Its Importance to your Portal Strategy What is=
Content Management? Content Management is defined as the people, process=
es and the systems that organizations use to create, store, update and dist=
ribute its key information and intellectual assets. Although this definit=
ion may vary, the key concepts do not change across organizations. It has =
become very apparent in the marketplace that with the proliferation of port=
al and web sites the content management challenge is becoming an increasing=
focus in large organizations. Clients are more and more driving technolog=
y decisions based on content management requirements as opposed to portal n=
eeds. Forrester defines Enterprise Content Management as "an integrated a=
pproach to managing documents, Web content and digital assets". This is th=
e broadest sense of content management. One way to gain a clear picture of=
the term "content management" is to consider the various segments of the c=
ontent life cycle. The most pertinent segments to content management are: =
Content Creation - Includes creation/revision, collaboration, review and a=
pproval. The review and approval process can utilize workflow built into c=
ontent management applications. Content Maintenance - Includes content sto=
rage, access control and version control. Content that has been created an=
d approved is stored in a repository or database. This content can then be=
combined with other approved content items to create rich sets of informat=
ion. Additionally, previous versions of content items are maintained and c=
an be accessed at any time to bring back a previous state of information wi=
thout introducing rework. Content Delivery/Distribution - Includes the dep=
loyment of approved content from repository to an information channel. Sto=
red content can be aggregated and deployed to any number of channels (web, =
print, call center, wireless device etc.) utilizing specifically defined fo=
rmats. This is called channelization and is one of the major benefits to c=
ontent management. Content Management streamlines the process of creating,=
managing and delivering content, and puts processes in place to manage and=
control information as it is moved across the enterprise and to customers =
through the various information channels. Historically, content management=
systems have not addressed all segments but rather focused specifically o=
n one or two. Some systems may focus more on content creation, format and =
delivery (Web Content Management) whereas others may be more focused on sto=
rage and maintenance of documents and other forms of unstructured content (=
Document Management Systems). Fortunately, content management solutions a=
re maturing and these two worlds are starting to converge to better serve =
the entire enterprise. Not everyone is there but the future is bright and =
therefore, consideration to the type of content that is to be managed is im=
portant input into making a decision on the system that will best serve an =
organization's needs. As content management matures and addresses the ente=
rprise in a more holistic manner, organizations must consider the change to=
the enterprise that must take place to realize the benefits of such system=
s. Content creation is no longer limited to a few but can be distributed =
among many with little or no technical skills. Content approval and distri=
bution can be handled programmatically in addition to manually and will req=
uire careful consideration to future roles and processes. With so much cha=
nge it is important to leadership to embrace the idea of content management=
by recognizing the importance of managing that will most certainly take pl=
ace. This may include conducting a change readiness assessment and a chan=
ge management plan. Additionally, it is also important for leadership to h=
ave clear buy-in so that the organization understands the importance of the=
many steps that will be required to take on the road to content management=
. 5 Challenges to Content Management Implementation Enterprises have comp=
lex workflows to move information across departments, but limited control o=
r collaboration on how that information is edited, managed, published or re=
tired - resulting in inconsistencies across the enterprise and customers. C=
onversion is a major undertaking of any Content Management implementation a=
nd requires a solid understanding of existing content and how to best organ=
ize it to improve efficiencies. This requires an assessment of structured=
vs. unstructured content to understand how content will be organized and i=
f more structure is required. Globalization increases the complexity of the=
entire content lifecycle, as multiple versions of content assets must be m=
anaged in addition to translation. Additionally, support of multiple langu=
ages requires applications that can handle the required character sets and =
becomes important when selecting software packages. Defining the appropriat=
e content attributes (meta tags). Attributes define the meaning of content=
and are integral to good organization and appropriate personalization. Int=
egration with Enterprise Applications can present challenges to the develop=
ment effort. This is especially true if the Content Management does not ha=
ve a pre-built interface. 10 Problems in Existing Enterprises that Content=
Management Applications Can Resolve As content assets increase in number,=
it becomes more and more difficult for content authors and administrators =
to find a single piece of content they are looking for, compounding confusi=
on and efficiency. Increasing number of authors can quickly cause version c=
ontrol and communication issues. As an enterprise expands nationally or ev=
en globally, this issue can quickly be compounded by access limitations. A=
bandoned protocol (manual approval processes being ignored). Authors with n=
o technical skills depend on technical resources to get content published t=
o the appropriate locations. This can create a bottleneck at the developme=
nt team and cause significant delays to getting current information out to =
customers. Changes to web content may be required daily, hourly or even eve=
ry minute. This can quickly become and impossible task for a web master or=
group of content managers who are manually making changes and deploying co=
ntent to various media. Management of multiple types of content assets (tex=
ts, graphics, multimedia etc.) is almost impossible to organize and deploy =
efficiently without the programmatic organization of content management app=
lication. Where different media (print, web, wireless, etc.) are supported =
separately, it is often difficult to maintain consistency of content due to=
development time a resource availability. Departmental ownership of conten=
t. Client participation. Ongoing ownership and support requires the clien=
t to be involved from beginning to end. Maintaining control of project scop=
e is always challenging, especially when dealing with relatively new techno=
logy such as content management systems. This is quickly compounded as app=
lications to integrate with are added to the plan. Scope control can be ma=
intained and expectations can be managed with a thorough definition of the =
project up front. 5 Things To Ask Vendors When Selecting a Content Manage=
ment Product What enterprise applications do you integrate with/have partn=
erships with? What unique capabilities does your product provide over your =
competitor's? How customizable is your product? Does your product support s=
tandards based programming (Java, XML)? How long has this product been out =
and how many customers have implemented it to date? Critical Steps to Deve=
loping Your Content Management Solution: Conduct a 3-4 week project to con=
firm the content management and conversion requirements, assess the current=
capability, develop client specific value proposition and develop a projec=
t roadmap for a rollout of content management solution. The activities in =
this discovery effort include: Content inventory - content type, frequency=
of updates, formats, source Content management workflow - number of people=
/departments authoring content, business processes and roles for authoring,=
editing, approval and publishing content Content conversion requirements -=
amount of legacy content, types of formats, structured or unstructured con=
tent, technical approach (e.g. bulk conversion programs, manual conversion,=
etc.) Repurposing of content - publish to multiple media formats (e.g. web=
, wireless, pdf, paper) Integration to the portal - identify prototype data=
model and build estimate for integration to portal engine Develop client s=
pecific value proposition for the content management solution and identify =
tangible benefits The Bottom Line: Content Management Value Propositions =
Closes the gap to the goal of the 'extended enterprise', where organizatio=
ns work closely together Provides a single content repository to store con=
tent that can be repurposed, thus eliminating the duplication of effort for=
creating the same content for multiple channels (Websites, Portal, Extrane=
ts/Intranets, Wireless, Print) Provides business user the power to manage =
content Enables efficient communications across the enterprise Presents d=
ynamic and relevant content to the constituent user Provides corporations =
with the ability to reach global audience with a localized message An embe=
dded workflow facilitates content creation and editorial process, which inc=
reases the business unit's commitment to quality and accountability Provid=
es content assurance - share proprietary content with partners and supplier=
s Provides capabilities for authors in different geographies to create, up=
date, and publish content Separates the content from the application logic=
Rapid development to keep pace with information updates on various medium=
s Problem Solved: Content Management in Enterprise Portal Case Studies Th=
e State of California needed a content management system that would allow i=
ts communications department to rapidly deploy new content and features wit=
hout the intervention of technical staff, yet maintain control over the con=
tent creation and deployment processes through workflow. Roundarch impleme=
nted and integrated a content management solution that answered this need, =
and put in place an infrastructure that empowered the State to quickly diss=
eminate information to constituents on the My California portal. For infor=
mation, contact Paula Itagaki pitagaki@roundarch.com or Dan Loos dloos@rou=
ndarch.com or go to www.ca.gov . A Blue Cross Blue Shield Company wanted =
a content management solution that demonstrated seamless integration with i=
ts portal solution, strong tagging capabilities to target public and secure=
content to specific constituents, and a simple content entry interface tha=
t put the power of content in the hands of business users. Roundarch devel=
oped a single content management solution that provided centralized content=
creation and publishing processes to deliver personalized content for prov=
iders, members, and employers. For more information, contact Paula Itagaki=
pitagaki@roundarch.com or Manish Bharadwaj mbharadwaj@roundarch.com . =
This company is a leading global supplier of cement, aggregate, and concret=
e. Roundarch developed the global content management solution and commerce=
site that uses six languages, three currencies, and integrates to differen=
t ERP systems. Business users rather than the IT department maintain site =
content. With the new streamlined content management workflow established =
all the content is reviewed and approved before it is published. For more i=
nformation, contact Ray Paty rpaty@roundarch.com . Roundarch Website Pol=
ling Stats During the periodof November 29 - December 9th, 2001, visitors =
to the Roundarch website were asked: "Have you ever switched service co=
mpanies due to poor customer service? i.e. banks, transportation, telecommu=
nications, insurance, financial services?" Never 3% Once 9% A few ti=
mes 52% Many times 36% During the period of December 10th- 31st, 2001=
, visitors to the Roundarch website were asked: "When you contact a cal=
l center, which scenario aggravates you most? Not being able to solve your=
problem or answer your question 24% Being put on hold 12% No way to =
reach operator 27% Being told to call another number 37% To participa=
te in the current CRM question of the week, go to the Roundarch website. =
Homework Books of Interest: Content Management Bible -- Bob Boiko Web =
Content Management: A Collaborative Approach -- Russell Nakano .NET Conten=
t Management Systems Development (With CD-ROM) -- Stephen Fraser Links of=
Interest: CRM Guru.com Delphi Group RealMarket Tech Republic Strateg=
y+Business What's Going On: Events and Conferences Call Center & CRM S=
olutions - Las Vegas 2002 February 11-13, 2002 Las Vegas Convention Center =
Las Vegas, Nevada Roundarch will be participating in Avanstar's Call Cent=
er and CRM Solutions Las Vagas 2002 Conference and Expo where we will be s=
howcasing our Enabling Technology Platform solution and discussing related=
case studies. For more information or to register, call (800) 854-3112 o=
r go to www.cc-crmvegas.com . Roundarch Contact Information: Roundarch C=
orporate Headquarters 350 North LaSalle, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60610 Phon=
e: 312 529-2400 Fax: 312 529-3400 http://www.roundarch.com/ To subscribe=
/unsubscribe, please visit the newsletter section of the Roundarch website=
. Copyright Roundarch, 2002 =09