Enron Mail

To:pmoore@wcamerica.com, james.t.willerson@uth.tmc.edu,s.ward.casscells@uth.tmc.edu, jtn@casinc-investigations.com, epd@rice.edu, james_eastham@mhhs.org, morris_flaum@ucplus.org, david.persse@cityofhouston.net, carlos.r.hamilton@uth.tmc.edu, rew@texmed
Subject:Update on Defense of Houston - Meeting
Date:Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:14:07 -0700 (PDT)

Memo to Disaster Relief Advisory Board (persons that do not have email
will receive correspondence by fax)

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your ideas. Many things have
been suggested that I had not thought of, but I think before we put
these on a bulletin board we should issue passwords to protect the
information, for that matter, the advisory board members.

We will call you on a landline to give you your password. This will
take a little time with so many advisory board members.

Another thing that will take a little time is insuring the security of
the group in any meeting we might have. Dr. Wainerdi has kindly offered
to have the meeting in a secure site within the Texas Medical Center and
Ambassador Djerejian and I feel best to re-schedule the meeting that we
were talking about holding at the Baker Institute at 2 p.m. on Friday
September 28. Instead, we will get some advice from the FBI as to
whether there are any immediate local security concerns and if so, how
best to mitigate them. Meanwhile, we will get everyone a password so
that we can do some secure planning before a face-to-face meeting is
ever held. This will make better use of the time of busy people.

I thought I would answer a couple critical questions that have been

Why Defense of Houston? Isn't there already enough overlap of agencies?

We conceived of Defense of Houston as mainly a medical group to improve
the medical response in case of any terrorism or other medical
disasters. I have been working here for 9 years and have been involved
in some disasters like the flood, but no one here has ever been in
anything like what happened at the World Trade Center. At best we can't
say with confidence that we are prepared. Indeed, every single national
study (and there have been 3 in the past year alone) says that we are
not prepared and points to communication, coordination, training, and
public education as the most pressing needs.

We have enough trouble keeping communication open with our sister
institutions (Memorial Hermann Hospital, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital,
the Texas Heart Institute, and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center), and we know
from experience that communication with the rest of the medical center,
and with doctors and hospitals outside the medical center, is harder
still. Despite the outstanding efforts of the Houston Fire Department's
Medical Director, Dr. David Persse, communication is not always smooth
and equipment and training are not optimal, even though they are better
than in most cities.

Since we need to do more, the question is who should do it, and how.
The doctors and scientists in the medical center don't have all the
answers, but have learned over the past few days that some great common
sense questions and solutions have come from non-technical people
outside the medical center. Moreover, every member of this advisory
board is a stake holder and has the right to know if the medical
response system is adequate.

Moreover, the advisory board members are leaders in the community, both
directly and indirectly, are educators.

Finally, a large and representative group will help medical center
institutions not only by their advice, their questions and needs, but by
their support of the work we are doing. This includes the need to more
research to develop better sensors, vaccines, and therapies, all which
will benefit from federal support and federal support for such projects
- in the Texas Medical Center and beyond - is more likely and the public
and its leaders are united and one day speak out.

Defense of Houston is not intended compete with or distract the other
important groups work in this area which include the Houston Task Force
on Counter-Terrorism at the Baker Institute (leaders are members of the
Defense of Houston and vice-versa) or the many important city, county,
state and federal agencies. Defense of Houston is an attempt to improve
our medical readiness. Because we ourselves could be targets, we have
to know a little bit about how these other agencies can protect us and
how we can help protect ourselves.

More specifically, we expect to leave all the policy issues to the
Houston Task Force on Counter-Terrorism. This would include the
"upstream" issues such as analysis of the root causes of terrorism, of
diplomatic efforts, of inter-agency cooperation, of leadership of
public-private efforts, etc. The Baker Institute also plays an
important educational role.

In contrast, Defense of Houston will focus on optimizing the medical
response, and secondarily, on public education that is part of the
mission of the medical schools here.

Thirdly, Defense of Houston is interested in bolstering the capability
of the medical institutions to conduct the kind of critical research in
bio-sensors, public health surveillance, coordination of emergency care,
increased understanding of biological and chemical agents and means to
inactivate them, to vaccinate against them, and to treat victims.

We have lots of news that will be available as soon as you have your

Thanks again for your interest. I am now convinced that we can make
Houston the safest city in the country.



INVITEES - ****information not confirmed
Allen, M.D. Steve Medical Director, Memorial Hermann Hospital
713-704-3700 713-704-6374 Steve_allen@mhhs.org
Anderson, Sanders Texas Southern Univ. 713-313-7459 713-313-1879
Archer, Bill Price Waterhouse 202-414-1510 703-536-3755
Andrews, Mike Vinson & Elkins 202-639-6518 202-639-6604
Attwell, Evans Vinson & Elkins 713-758-2222 eattwell@velaw.com
Aviles, Dionel "Don" Aviles Engineering 713-895-7645
Bacarisse, Charles Harris County 713-755-6853
Baker, James A. Baker Botts 713-229-1306 cborder@bakerbotts.com
Barnett, Bill Baker Botts 713-229-1337 ewbarnett@bakerbotts.com
Barnes, Ben Entrecorp 512-322-0128 512-322-0106 entrecorp@ccsi.com
Basnagoda, Rahula Director of Temple Houston Buddhist Vihar
713-944-1334 713-944-1334 rbasnagoda@yahoo.com
Bethune, Gordon CEO Continental Airlines-Houston 713-324-5000
713-652-4997 custo@coair.com
Black, Brenda Deputy Federal Coordinating OfficerFEMA - Houston
832-513-4069 Brenda.j.black@fema.gov
Bobinski, Maryanne Director UH Law SchoolHealth Law and Policy Institute
713-743-2101 mabob@uh.edu
Bookout, John Chairman, Methodist Health Care System Board
Brown, Lee City of Houston - Mayor 713-247-2545 713-247-1067
Brown, M.D., Steven Vice Chief of Staff and Chief, Internal Medicine at
LBJ HospitalInterim Director, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine 713-566-4550 Steven.d.brown@uth.tmc.edu
Burgs, Rev. Donald Alief Baptist Church 281-530-6893 281-530-5081
Bush, George HW (Sr.) Former President of the United States
713-686-1188 laurap@flfw.com
Buja, M.D., Max Dean, University of Texas Health Science Center, Medical
School Houston 713-500-5010 713-500-0602 L.Maximilian.buja@uth.tmc.edu
Butler, Peter President and CEO, Methodist Health Care System
713-790-3366 pbutler@tmh.tmc.edu
Buu, MD, MPh Harris Co. Health (Acting) Director 713-439-6016
713-439-6080 cbuu@hd.co.harris.tx.us
Casscells, M.D., S. Ward Univ. TX Medical School 713-500-6545
713-500-6547 s.ward.Casscells@uth.tmc.edu
Caldwell, Rev. Kirbyjohn Windsor VillageUnited Methodist Church
713-723-8187 713-723-1308 They don't have e-mail
Cavendar, Kent***
Chase, John***
Chu, Paul University of HoustonDept. of Physics-Superconductivity Center
713-743-2255 cwchu@uh.edu
Cohen, Mrs. Ping Lee Asia Access Corporation 281-397-8888 281-397-8398
Coneway, Pete Goldman Sachs, Inc. Advisory Director 713-654-8401
713-658-2606 Peter.coneway@gs.com
Cooley, M.D., Denton Surgeon in Chief and President Texas Heart
Institute 713-791-4932 713-791-3424 dcooley@heart.thi.tmc.edu
Cruikshank, Robert J. Personal Investments 713-831-5689 713-831-5779
Dannenbaum, James "Jim" Dannenbaum Engineering 713-520-9570 713-527-6338
Davila, Diana *** 713-691-1436 713-691-0822
DeBakey, Michael Chancellor Emeritus, Baylor College of Medicine
713-790-3151 713-793-1192 mdebakey@bcm.tmc.edu
Djerejian, Ed Ambassador Rice University 713-348-4683 epd@rice.edu
Duke, James "Red" Univ. TX Medical School 713-500-7253
Eastham, James Memorial Hermann Hos. President 713-704-5076
Eckels, Robert Judge for Harris Co. 713-755-4000
Elkins, Jim***
Emery, Robert J. Executive Director, Environmental Health and Safety,
Univ. TX Health Science Center 713-500-8100 713-500-8111
Ewing, Richard Texas A&M, Director for InstituteFor Telecommunications
and Information 979-845-8585 979-845-5827 libbyc@tamu.edu
Feigin, M.D.Ralph President, Baylor College of Medicine 713-798-4433
Flaum, M.D., Morris A. Associate Dean for Clinical OperationsUniversity
Care Plus 713-704-6387 713-704-6314 Morris_flaum@ucplus.org
Gillis, Ph.D. Malcolm President Rice University 713-348-4041
713-348-5271 mgillis@rice.edu
Gee, Harry Harry Gee, Jr. Law Office 713-781-0071 713-781-2409
Guidry, M.D.Mark Regional Public Health DirectorState of Texas
713-767-3000 713-767-3049 Mark.guidry@tdh.state.tx.us
Gutierrez, Frank Harris County Emergency Management, Operations Manager
713-881-3083 Frank_Gutierrez@co.harris.tx.us
Hamilton, Carlos VP & Special Advisor to Dr. Willerson 713-500-3825
713-500-3026 Carlos.r.Hamilton@uth.tmc.edu
Halbouty, Michel Chairman, Halbouty Energy 713-622-1130 713-622-5360
Hobby, Honorable William "Bill" 713-521-0960 713-521-3950
Hobby, Mrs. William (Diana) 713-524-2480 713-521-3950
Hobby, Paul ChairmanHobby Media Services, Inc.Genesis Park 713-521-2626
713-521-3950 phobby@genesis-park.com
Horvath, M.D., Thomas Chief of Staff Houston Veterans Affairs Medical
Center 713-794-7011 713-794-7038 Thomas.Horvath@med.va.gov
Huffington, Roy***
Issa, Mariam President Pakistan American Volunteer Association
713-975-6078 713-782-3699 mariami@compctr.com
Jefferson, Howard Protectors Insurance Agency President and CEO
713-660-8899 713-660-9977 hjefferson@protectorsinsurance.com
Jhin, Michael CEO, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital 713-791-3006
Jordan, Don (retired from Reliant) Call Steven Lettbetter to get his
contact info.
Kannapan, Sam Trustee Shri Meenakshi Temple (Hindu)Chairman, India
Disaster ReliefProfessional Engineer 713-295-4619 713-667-9241
Karff, Rabbi Sam Adjunct Professor in Society & Health-UT School Public
HealthCongregation Beth Israel 713-771-6221 713-771-5705
Kennedy, Ann Executive Director and CEO-Houston Symphony 713-224-4240
713-247-0220 Ann.Kennedy@houstonsymphony.org
Kendrick, M.D. Mary D. Med. Director City Hall Houston 713-794-9311
713-798-0862 M.desVignes.Kendrick@cityofhouston.net
Khumawala, Basheer Islam 713-743-4721 713-743-4940 bkhumawala@uh.edu
King, M.D., Brent Univ. TX Medical School Chairman, Dept. of Emergency
Medicine 713-500-7878 Brent.king@uth.tmc.edu
Kollaer, Jim Greater Houston Partnership 713-844-3601 713-844-0201
Laboon, Bruce Locke, Ladell, Sapp Attorneys 713-226-1200
Lanier, Bob (ex-Mayor of Houston)
Lay, Ken President of Enron 713-853-6161 klay@enron.com
Lemond, Jim*** 713-236-1034 713-236-0718 jlemond@lj-law.com
Levering, Gary Real Estate 713-956-4050 Glevco.yahoo.com
Lewis, Carl (ex-Olympian)
Linbeck, Jr. Leo Chairman of Linbeck Corporation 713-966-5844
713-966-5845 Leo_jr@linbeck.com
Love, Ben Director and ConsultantJP Morgan Chase 713-216-4010
713-216-2978 Diana.m.fincher@chase.com
Lynch, Jack Exec. VP and CEO, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital 713-791-4614
713-794-6182 jlynch@sleh.com
Mata, Johnny*** 713-797-1883 713-797-6653
Mendelsohn, John President M.D. Anderson 713-792-6000 713-792-6000
Mattox, M.D. Kenneth L. Chief of Staff and Chief of Surgery Ben Taub
Hospital 713-798-4557 Kmatto0x@bcm.tmc.edu
McIngvale, Jim "Mac" Gallery Furniture, Owner 713-694-5570
McLane, Drayton Owner Astros Houston
McNair, Bob CoGen Technologies 713-336-7796 rmcnair@cogentech.com
Miller, Father Michael PresidentSt. Thomas Catholic Univ. 713-522-7911
713-525-2161 president@stthom.edu
Mindiola, Dr. Tatcho Director, Center for Mexican-American Studies,
Univ. of Houston 713-743-3134 713-743-3130 tmindiola@uh.edu
Mitchell, George Chairman of the Board and CEOMitchell Energy &
Development Corp. 713-337-5001 713-377-5044
Mosbacher, Robert (Bob Sr.) PresidentMosbacher Energy 713-546-2500
Moore, Preston PM Associates 713-572-2727 713-572-2555
Murad, Ferid Univ. Texas Medical School 713-500-7501
Newton, Steve Russell Reynolds 713-754-5976
Neuhaus, Joan President, Confidential Advisory Services, Inc.
713-667-5667 713-667-9667 jtn@casinc-investigations.com
Olajuwon, Akeem***
Oxford, Pat Bracewell and Patterson, Attorney Regent at Univ. of Texas
713-221-1432 poxford@bracepatt.com
Payne, Rev. Claude***
Perkins, Kathryn Bureau Chief, State of TexasEmergency Management
512-834-6700 Kathy.perkins@tdh.state.tx.us
Perrin, Melinda Board Member-Memorial Hermann Hospital 713-522-0445
713-522-4050 mperrin@swbell.net
Persse, David Director, Emergency Management City of Houston
713-865-4155 713-247-3679 David.persse@cityofhouston.net
Porretto, John Exec. VP for Administration & Finance Chief Operating
Officer - UT Health Science Center 713-500-3800 713-500-3805
Rapoport, Nancy Dean of University of Houston Law Center 713-743-2100
713-743-2122 nrapoport@uh.edu
Reynolds, Joe Dean of Christ Church Cathedral 713-222-2593
Rietz, Henry "Hank" L. Texas Medical Center 713-791-6428 713-791-6154
Robertson, Beth***
Saenz, Gracie***
Sanchez, Rev. John*** 713-467-7795 713-939-9575
Schroth, DrPh, Lynn Executive VP, Methodist Hospital System 713-790-4362
713-790-2605 lschroth@tmh.tmc.edu
Siddiqui, Sayeed*** President, Islamic Society of Houston
Smalley, Rick***
Smith, Ashley E. CEOTIRR Systems 713-942-6153 smitha@tirr.tmc.edu
Solar, Michael Solar & Associates, Attorney 713-850-1212 713-850-1199
Susman, Steve Susman Godfrey LLP, Attorney 713-653-7847 713-654-6670
Starck, Patricia Dean of Nursing UT Houston School 713-500-2002
Strake, George Strake Energy, Inc. President and CEO 713-216-2400
713-216-2401 gstrake@strake.org
Untermeyer, Chase Compaq Computer 281-518-1093
Underwood, David First Union 713-853-2005 dunderw@firstunion1.com
Wainerdi, Richard Executive, TX Med. Center 713-791-8800
Wallace, Mark President and CEOTexas Children's Hospital 832-824-1160
832-825-1005 mawallac@texaschildrenshospital.org
Wang, Don J. ChairmanMetro Bank 713-776-3876 713-414-3575
White, Bill The Wedge Group 713-739-6555 bwhite@wedgegroup.com
White, James Coordinator, Harris Co. EmergencyManagement Office
713-881-3100 James_white@co.harris.tx.us
Wilford, Dan President, Memorial Healthcare Systems 713-776-5484
Willerson, James T. President Univ. of TX Health Science Center
713-500-3000 713-500-3059 James.T.Willerson@uth.tmc.edu
Wilson, Walter "Derby" Mass Mutual Insurance 713-520-5350
Wilson, Isabel Investments 713-520-1492 713-655-1495 iwilson@swbell.net

Wong, Martha Eighty-Eight Enterprises, Ltd. 713-622-7888 713-963-0388
Zeidman, Fred President Zeidman and Associates 713-622-7710 713-622-7850

- patricia.m.hendrix.vcf