Enron Mail

Subject:49 Days Left till Election Day!
Date:Thu, 21 Sep 2000 14:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

49 Days Left till Election Day!

With just 49 days left until Election Day, we need
your help to elect a pro-business Congress. Each
day there is news from highly contested targeted
Congressional races. Each week we will keep you
informed about how you can help make sure
business is victorious on November 7.

Today, we need you to fill out an FEC required form to
allow us to solicit contributions from you and your
organization. Please click here
to fill out the form that will help elect a pro-business Congress!

Make a Difference for Business.

Tuesday, November 7th is your day.... your day to
vote, your day to make your voice heard on the
issues important to you, your family, your community
and your country. Please click on the following to
find out how you can help get out the vote for
business -

Election FACT

DOES YOUR VOTE COUNT? ---- YES, and will
make the difference in helping to elect pro-business

In 1996, Jon Fox won his congressional race in
Pennsylvania by just a 84-vote margin out of more
than a quarter million cast.

In 1994, Sam Gejdenson won his congressional race
in Connecticut by a margin of just 21 votes.
In the 1960 presidential race, John F. Kennedy
defeated Richard Nixon by two-tenths of one
percent of the vote. That averages out to less
than one vote per precinct nationwide. Furthermore,
Kennedy would have been defeated if one more
person in each of ten Cook County (Illinois) precincts
had voted for Nixon.

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