Enron Mail

Subject:Annual Meeting 2001 - September Update
Date:Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:44:00 -0700 (PDT)

To the attention of:
Dr Kenneth L. Lay
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Dr Lay,

Further to our confirmation of your participation in Annual Meeting 2001, I
am most pleased to send you the enclosed information which provides you with
a first look at the concept of the programme as well as with practical
details on your stay in Davos.

Should you need any assistance with your registration, please do not hesitate
to get in touch with my colleague in charge of your sector at the Foundation.

With best personal regards,

Claude Smadja,
Managing Director
World Economic Forum

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the attached document.
If it is not yet installed on your system, you can download it at:

- September Update.pdf