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Subject:Fwd: FW: Bush/Gore Debate
Date:Wed, 4 Oct 2000 04:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

More on the debate.
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Subject: FW: Bush/Gore Debate
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob,Annie
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 1:08 PM
To: NMA - All
Subject: FW: Bush/Gore Debate

Thought this may be of interest to everyone--please check the attached sites
as well.



To GOP Activists
Fr Ken Hutcheson
Re George W. Bush Debate Win/Al Gore's Lies

I hope you got a chance to see the debate last night. George W. Bush did a
very good job articulating his message and debating Al Gore.

I am sure it will come as no surprise to you that Al Gore could not go the
entire debate without telling a lie. In fact, two lies have been exposed so

The first one was Gore's claim that he visited Texas with FEMA Director,
James Lee Witt, after the bad Texas floods and tornadoes. As it turns out,
that was a lie. Al Gore on the morning news shows today claimed that he
thought he had, but it must have been another state. Go figure.

The next lie exposed is as follows:

News radio 970 WFLA interviewed the principal of Sarasota High this morning.
He said that the girl that Gore was talking about had no desk for exactly
one day. It was the first day of class and they were still making
adjustments to the kids class schedule and that particular classroom was
being refurbished. The teacher only had to call the office and get her a
desk because they have plenty of desks there. Apparently there is a picture
that was sent to Gore of her standing in class or something like that
because the Principal mentions that in the picture of her there is $100,000
of new equipment behind her.

Please pass this along to your friends and family and any undecided voters.
The more people who realize that Al Gore is a pathological liar, the better
George W. Bush will do.

Please check out the two links and cast your vote for George W. Bush as the
winner in last night's debate: http://news.excite.com/news/poll/ or

Last but not least....Have you done everything you can do to elect George W.
Bush? Have you made a small contribution to Victory 2000? Have you
participated in a literature drop for the GOP Ticket or made phone calls on
its behalf? If not, please let me know.

Thanks for your support.

Paid for by Victory 2000

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