Enron Mail

Subject:Re: World Economic Forum Briefing of the China Business Summit 2000
Date:Wed, 17 May 2000 01:31:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Smadja -

You may not be the person to ask, but I am trying to get information for Dr.
Lay for the World Economic Forum Advisory Council meeting in Geneva in late
August. Can someone please send Dr. Lay a schedule, so he can plan

Thank you.

Rosalee Fleming

"Claude Smadja, Managing Director"<contact@weforum.org< on 05/17/2000
05:56:11 AM
To: <klay@enron.com<
Subject: World Economic Forum Briefing of the China Business Summit 2000

To the attention of:
Dr Kenneth L. Lay
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Dr Lay,

As you were unable to participate in the China Business Summit this year, I
would like to remind you that you can find information of interest, including
the China Briefing at: http://www.weforum.org/chinabriefing on our website.

As a reminder here is also your login and password:

Login: 31594

Password: 90ZJ4XQS

Kind regards,

Claude Smadja
Managing Director
World Economic Forum