Enron Mail

To:richard.babin@enron.com, christi.culwell@enron.com, teb.lokey@enron.com,blair.lichtenwalter@enron.com
Subject:FW: Keep this man in our Prayers
Date:Fri, 28 Sep 2001 06:28:48 -0700 (PDT)

Lengthy - but worth reading in my opinion
< We need to keep THIS MAN in our prayers.
< (Authored by Bruce Holbrook)
< We thank God for "this man".
< This was the same man who came within a hair's breadth of losing an
< election in November, who withstood the political chicanery of the Florida
< Democratic machine to fix the vote count.
< This was the same man who admitted to having a drinking problem in younger
< years, and whose happy-go-lucky lifestyle led him to mediocre grades in
< college and an ill-fated oil venture.
< This was the same man who mangled syntax even more than his father, and
< whose speaking missteps became known as "Bushisms."
< And on Friday, this was the man who bore the weight of the world and the
< responsibilities of a generation with dignity, class, confidence,
< appropriate solemnity, and even much-needed wit.
< One thing struck me during the campaign, that difficult, roller-coaster
< campaign that now seems years ago. It was that George W. Bush never seemed
< to get ruffled. Whether the theft of a campaign debate video or the sudden
< (some would say, vicious) release of a DUI arrest two decades ago at a key
< moment, "W" did not lose his cool. At times, his staff seemed
< overconfident, as did many of us. A 350-electoral-vote win, they quietly
< implied. . .and we optimistically believed.
< Then they counted the votes, miscounted others, and re-counted still
< others. At the end, he was still there. Whereas Al Gore almost frantically
< huffed and puffed, trying to gin up something out of nothing, Bush quietly
< but confidently waited at his ranch. He didn't do nothing: that is the
< mistake people have constantly made with this man, confusing lack of
< bluster for absence of action. No, his team of attorneys and the
< iron-willed James Baker were carrying out his orders, but W stayed
< in the background, confident and faithful.
< You see, it is this faith business that confounded everyone. We have had
< such actors and liars in public office that we have looked skeptically
< whenever anyone used the term faith.
< But this was the same man who was the first politician ever in recent
< memory to name Jesus Christ as the Lord of his life on public TV. Not an
< oblique reference to being "born-again" or having a "life change." He said
< the un-PC-like phrase, "Jesus Christ," to which his handlers and advisors,
< no doubt, off stage, were also saying, "Jesus Christ" in a much different
< tone.
< God has a way of honoring those who honor him. David learned that while he
< was on the run from Saul's armies. Job learned that after his time of
< horrible tribulation. The Messiah said so Himself, many times.
< So this was the man who actually put faith into practice. He actually
< loves
< those who hate him. It is a staggering concept, so foreign in daily
< occurrence that few thought it anything but grandstanding. Even one of W's
< biggest supporters chided the president for adhering to his "new tone."
< Yet there he was, again and again, thanking the Democrats. Appointing his
< enemies to high places in his government. Inviting his former foes and
< their wives to private movie screenings, and (I know, this is hard to
< stomach) even treating them with dignity. See, this was the man who
< learned
< early on how faith worked: by praying for his enemies, you "heap burning
< coals upon their heads." Happen to catch Bill Clinton at the National
< Prayer Service? Didn't look too good, did he?
< This was the man who named the absolute top people in national security
< and defense, then caught barbs from the politically righteous that this
< one
< didn't have the right views on abortion or that one didn't have the right
< position on guns.
< And on September 11, at mid-morning, this was the man thrust into a
< position only known by Roosevelt, Churchill, Lincoln, and Washington. The
< weight of the world was on his shoulders, and the responsibility of a
< generation was on his soul..
< So this same man---the one that the media repeatedly attempted to tarnish
< with charges of "illegitimacy," and the one whose political opponents
< desperately sought to stonewall until mid-term elections---walked to his
< seat at the front of the National Cathedral just three days after the two
< most impressive symbols of American capitalism and prosperity virtually
< evaporated, along with, perhaps, thousands of Americans.
< As he sat down next to his wife, immediately I knew that even if his faith
< ever faltered, hers didn't. I have never seen a more peaceful face than
< Laura Bush, whose eyes seemed as though they were already gazing at the
< final outcome. . .not just of this conflict, but of her reward in Heaven
< itself. In this marriage, you indeed got two for the price of one.
< The appropriate songs were sung, as one said, to in an almost unbearably
< emotional service. I, for one, broke down innumerable times merely
< listening on tape delay on the radio. How the man spoke without
< blubbering,
< I'll never know.
< Then came the defining moment of our generation. Some people fondly recall
< their Woodstock days. Others mark with grim sadness November 22, 1963, as
< the day America lost her innocence. But I firmly believe when the history
< of this time is written, it will be acknowledged by friend and foe alike
< that President George W. Bush came of age in that cathedral and lifted a
< nation off its knees.
< It wasn't so much his words, though read a decade later, they will indeed
< be as stirring as any. The conflict would end, he noted, "at a time of our
< choosing." It certainly wasn't his emotion. What had to have been one of
< the most stunning exhibitions of self-control in presidential history, W
< was able to deliver his remarks without losing either his resolve or his
< focus, or, more important, his confidence. It was as if God's hand, which
< had guided him through that sliver-thin election, now rested fully on him.
< His quiet confidence let our enemies know. . .and believe me, they know
< ...
< that they made a grave miscalculation.
< Now, this same man who practiced his faith through a tough election, who
< steeled his convictions even more in a drawn-out Florida battle, and who
< never once gave in to the temptation to get in the gutter with his foes
< (well, ok, maybe the "Clymer" comment is an exception), this same man now
< lifted the weight of the world and the responsibility of a generation and
< put it on his modest shoulders as though it were another unpleasant duty.
< As he walked back to his seat, the camera angle was appropriate. He was
< virtually alone in the scene, alone in that massive place of God, just him
< and the Lord. But that's the way it's always been in his life recently. In
< that brief time it took him to return to his seat, I believe he heard
< words
< to the effect of, "You can do this, George. I am with you always. And you
< can do this well, because I am going before you. And don't worry about the
< weight. I've got it."
< And I saw in his eyes a quiet acknowledgement. "I know. Thank you! ,
< Lord."
< Back at his seat, when W sat down, George H. W. Bush reached over and took
< his son's hand. The elder Bush always struck me as a religious man,but not
< someone who shared his life on a daily basis with the Lord. George H.W.
< treats the Father like a respected uncle, visiting him on appropriate
< holidays and knowing the relationship is real, but not constant. Anyway, I
< believe that in that fatherly squeeze George H. W. said, "I wish I could
< do
< this for you, son, but I can't. You have to do this on your own."
< He squeezed back and gave him that look of peace that Laura had kept
< throughout. It said, "I don't have to do it alone, dad. I've got help."
< =============================
< God Bless President Bush
< God Bless America
< Bruce Holbrook