Enron Mail

Subject:east curves
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:42:11 -0800 (PST)

Greg@apbenergy will email me the bid offer sheets. the password to my cpu is chanc5rabon.

paths to curves:

NYmarket - must be done first, other book listens to it. the bid offer sheet applies to this sheet only. hardcote the avg of the bid offer, then highlight publish tab and save all to database. the path is o/tds/tds curve/dec01/nymarket121?. open last day and save as today before altering.

NY - path is o/tds/tds curve/tds-ny 121?. open last day and save as today, then highlight dec out and save to database

southeast - o/tds/tds curve/southeast/051401. only open, highlight dec out and save to database

gdi east - o/tds/tds curve/east-gdi-east. only open, highlight dec out and save to database

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Holtgrave [mailto:greg@apbenergy.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:58 PM
To: Rabon, Chance; Mckay, Jonathan
Subject: 12/18/01 enequotes.xls