Enron Mail

To:<""boehler@enron.com<, chrisboehler@akllp.com, kay.mann@enron.com,ann.elizabeth.white@enron.com, laymand@gtlaw.com, darreninoff@akllp.com
Subject:RE: Midway Groves POA Docs with ADDITIONAL comments
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 05:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please see additional comments in Section 2.4 of the Declaration of
I missed this until this morning but the number of votes per parcel does not
account for the propety to be conveyed by deed to the POA. This includes the
road, the drainage ditches and the pond. Parcel 1,should lose between 2 and
3 acres, Parcel 2 would lose about 1 acre and Parcel 3 would lose about 10

The decision not give Parcel 3 voting rights or cause Parcel 3 to be assessed
was negotiated and agreed to by Enron and Cooney Midway Groves. However,
since having this property dedicated as the open lands in perputity to meet
the requirements of the entire 117 acre PNRD, perhaps the POA should be
oblicated to pay any costs associated with this land: property taxes,
insurance, maintenance etc. The only thing we could do with this land is
lease it out for grazing, which may allow us to keep an ag exemption.