Enron Mail

To:jim.coffey@enron.com, brian.redmond@enron.com, a..martin@enron.com,jim.schwieger@enron.com
Subject:RE: Updated Support for Settlement Letter to AEP
Cc:andrew.edison@enron.com, n..gray@enron.com, deanna.washington@enron.com,david.baumbach@enron.com
Bcc:andrew.edison@enron.com, n..gray@enron.com, deanna.washington@enron.com,david.baumbach@enron.com
Date:Wed, 3 Oct 2001 11:55:40 -0700 (PDT)

Attached hereto is a revised draft of the letter to AEP that will accompany Jim's schedules. Please let me know if you have any comments. Thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: Coffey Jr., Jim
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2001 9:56 AM
To: Koehler, Anne C.; Redmond, Brian; Martin, Thomas A.; Schwieger, Jim
Cc: Edison, Andrew; Gray, Barbara N.; Washington, Deanna; Baumbach, David
Subject: Updated Support for Settlement Letter to AEP


I left the following in your office this morning:

1) Correspondence and Gregg Modeling inovice totalling $107,635. We feel that this is an issue that AEP needs to settle directly with Gregg Engineering.

2) D.L. Peterson Trust invoice totalling $22,152 for a truck. AEP has paid the invoice dated 5/24/01 and asked us for reimbursement. However we see this as a non-emergency purchase right before close that was not properly authorized by Brian.

Also attached is an updated Inventory and Working Capital Calculation Statement. I have updated based on the change in the prime rate yesterday.

<< File: Inv_WC_true_up.xls <<

Call me at 3-5346 if you need anything else.
