Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Mackenzie Delta Explorers Group - Interest in a Mackenzie Delta
Date:Thu, 18 Oct 2001 18:26:48 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: danny.mccarty@enron.com
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Dear Mr. Miller,

Dan McCarty forwarded your note to me. I am responsible for Asset Development and will contact you on Friday to discuss Enron's level of interest.


Eric Gadd
-----Original Message-----
From: McCarty, Danny
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:18 AM
To: Gadd, Eric
Subject: FW: Mackenzie Delta Explorers Group - Interest in a Mackenzie Delta P ipeline

-----Original Message-----
From: "Miller, John D." <JDMILLER@petro-canada.ca<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:04 AM
To: McCarty, Danny
Cc: Le Dain, Eric; Maier, Rod 403 234-5433
Subject: Mackenzie Delta Explorers Group - Interest in a Mackenzie Delta P ipeline

Mr. D. McCarty
Managing Director and Chief Commercial Officer
Enron Corp.

Dear Mr. McCarty,

I am writing on behalf of the Mackenzie Delta Explorers Group who are a
group of seven E&P companies with current and proposed exploration
activities in the Mackenzie Delta area. The member companies include
Anadarko Canada Corporation, Alberta Energy Company, Anderson
Exploration/Devon, Burlington Resources Canada Energy Ltd, BP Canada Energy
Company, Chevron Canada Resources and Petro-Canada Oil and Gas.

We are assessing alternatives to transport natural gas from the Delta to
southern markets and will soon be engaging in a feasibility engineering
design study to assess routing, construction techniques, optimum sizing,
pressure requirements, capital and operating costs, liquids handling,
gathering systems, environmental considerations and other relevant design

We are contacting potential strategic alliance partners in the pipeline
arena to determine the level of interest of participating in the study
and/or contributing information to the Feasibility exercise.

If you require more information and wish to discuss this in more detail,
please fell free to contact me (403-296-4824) or Rod Maier (Chevron Canada
Resources 403-234-5433).

Thanks for your consideration.

John D. Miller
Manager, Natural Gas Marketing
403-296-4824 Phone
403-296-4433 Fax


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