Enron Mail

Subject:EGM - 2001 goals
Cc:liz.taylor@enron.com, mark.frevert@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com
Bcc:liz.taylor@enron.com, mark.frevert@enron.com, jeffrey.shankman@enron.com
Date:Mon, 5 Feb 2001 01:59:00 -0800 (PST)


I received request for our goals on a voicemail while coming back from
Venezuela. I didn't know exactly what you were looking for or the audience
but i have listed a few initial goals and thoughts for each business unit.
We are in the process of creating more specific goals for each group for
2001. Each already has their own but they are not in a final and consistent
format. We have an off-site meeting later this month in which we will
address this as a group. In addition, George and the coal group completed
theirs late last week and Mark Tawney is returning tomorrow with re-defined
goals as part of the process.

Also, I have attached some new global formats that I received as I was
leaving the country on some specific items that we need to insure a
successful year. Most of this information has never been put together
before. I have projected out a 50% growth factor as a starting point and
will break this down to specific groups and goals to insure that we will meet
these goals. As you know a lot of this was started when I put together the
EGM presentation and gathered information for the analyst meeting.

Let me know if you need something else or if this is not what you are looking
