Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EnHome - Please review
Cc:cindy.olson@enron.com, drew.lynch@enron.com, stephen.barth@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com, allen.hill@enron.com, todd.neugebauer@enron.com, randy.rice@enron.com, john.tollefsen@enron.com, tony.jarrett@enron.com, sharon.butcher@enron.com, cathy.p
Bcc:cindy.olson@enron.com, drew.lynch@enron.com, stephen.barth@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com, allen.hill@enron.com, todd.neugebauer@enron.com, randy.rice@enron.com, john.tollefsen@enron.com, tony.jarrett@enron.com, sharon.butcher@enron.com, cathy.p
Date:Mon, 5 Jun 2000 02:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for the input. We'll add. Point of clarity: the employees who have
company-paid computers at home today typically have surplus older equipment
(except for executives) and have management approval to use for business
use. The ENhome program is a different offering which does not require
business purpose and the equipment will be new.

Thanks again for the input.

Chris Holmes@EES
06/02/2000 09:39 PM
Sent by: Chris Holmes@EES
To: Suzanne Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON
cc: Cindy Olson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Drew C Lynch/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Stephen
Barth/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ECT@ENRON, Mike
McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Allen Hill/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications@ECT@ENRON, Todd Neugebauer/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications@ECT@ENRON, Randy Rice/NA/Enron@ENRON, John P
Tollefsen/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Tony Jarrett/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sharon
Butcher/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Cathy Phillips/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON
Subject: Re: EnHome - Please review

Suzanne-- the presentation looks good-- I would add at the beginning two
other reasons to provide all employees with Enhome :

1. A matter of equity-- we already have 2000 employees with computers at
home--- and it could be argued that if 2000 employees deserve computers at
home, the bulk if not all o/f the workforce also deserves having that kind
of support.

2. Work at the office and at home is becoming increasingly indistinguishable;
while as a company we don't state that we expect employees to work at home,
the reality is that few of us can get our work done unless we work at home--
and to be effective , we have to be connected. That simple.
