Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EnronOnline in Argentina
Cc:patrick.hansen@enron.com, joe.kishkill@enron.com, julie.ramos@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com, remi.collonges@enron.com, d'arcy.carroll@enron.com
Bcc:patrick.hansen@enron.com, joe.kishkill@enron.com, julie.ramos@enron.com,mike.mcconnell@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com, remi.collonges@enron.com, d'arcy.carroll@enron.com
Date:Wed, 19 Jul 2000 03:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please see my comments below

Steve Nagy
07/19/2000 07:07 AM
To: Patrick Hansen/SA/Enron@Enron
cc: Joe Kishkill/SA/Enron@Enron, Julie Ramos/SA/Enron@Enron, Michael
Guerriero/SA/Enron@Enron, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Philippe A Bibi@ECT,
Dan Bruce@ECT, David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron, Remi Collonges/SA/Enron@Enron,
D'Arcy Carroll/SA/Enron@Enron

Subject: EnronOnline in Argentina


I am pleased to hear that Argentina wants to be live with EnronOnline
September 1. We will support your effort to make it a success. However, I
have a few concerns:

Whatever the local differences, the commercial effort will be very similar to
that in Brazil. Therefore, I recommend you involve the relevant commercial
people there, so we can replicate experiences and lessons learned. I agree
and I have proposed whoever the applicable Sao Paulo resources are that will
have responsibility for EOL should be part of the process either via our
weekly conference calls or physically present in Argentina during strategic
periods of implementation. The relevant Sao Paulo functions should decide how
important this is to them and allocate time and resources accordingly.
Can you please specify your resource requirements for IT support for both
implementation and operation. I do not believe we are adequately staffed and
we can not afford to have any S?o Paulo IT resources sucked into this without
proper planning. We have always tried not to suck on Sao Paulo unless
absolutely necessary. We will continue to operate in this manner. We have
kept the appropriate people aware of our status and situation on a weekly
basis and I believe we have all the necessary resources up and running now. I
will have a better feel after my meetings this week.
The bandwidth installed from BA to Houston is not sufficient to support the
operation of front and back office. Lead time for upgrades is 90 days. We
have been aware of this need for a period of time. We will need a solution to
the time schedule you are proposing. Please assist in this effort and let me
know what our options are.

In the future, I will appreciate to be informed and consulted on any
activities in our region involving Enron Net Works.
You have been involved in our meetings over the past few months although
Patrick has indicated we missed you in the scheduling of the latest
implementation meeting . We will cc everyone to avoid not fully communicating
in the future. I will also forward the full implementation schedule and
assignments to the above cc list.

If you have any additional concerns please contact me directly.


Thanks, Steve

---------------------- Forwarded by Steve Nagy/SA/Enron on 19/07/2000 07:50

Enron International

From: Julie Ramos 19/07/2000 02:37

To: Steve Nagy/SA/Enron@Enron
cc: Patrick Hansen/SA/Enron@Enron, Ariel Bruch/SA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Contents for todays meeting

Here are the documents that Patrick sent to us for the meeting. The following
is a summary of the meeting.

Argentina wants to be live on Sept 1.
They want to be in a simulation mode for the last two weeks of August. There
is concern on Scott's part about the ability to do this. He indicated that
the test environments cannot provide a complete simulation flow.
One driver for the timing appears to be the board meeting scheduled for
Buenos Aires on October 11. They want to be in the air by then. Maybe even
time a market splash for then.
They are concerned about the bandwidth and the time to get it upgraded.
Michael wants it upgraded by August 15. This is close to impossible unless
Houston manages to pull major strings with the vendors. Interestingly, BA is
averaging 40% utilization these days (post PEP). Internet wil be off the link
probably the first or second week on August. If necessary we can cut back the
number of tie lines as a stop gap measure.
Argentina is planning on having Sitara available by August 31 so they can use
it to replace CPR. The support staff does not think this will be any problems
at all. They have already started the work and they indicated to me that
there is little else to do.
Mario Cardoso has left Enron. He was replaced by Leonardo Pacheco. I will try
to meet him while in Houston.
The issue of how to train is still open. Options are to send someone from
Houston to BA to train. Or send someone from BA to Houston,. They are not yet
going up on Enpower and the P&L is done in Houston so the support staff in
Houston thinks that the best thing would be to send Veronica to Houston. She
is the one who currently works on CPR and will work with Sitara. From what I
have seen, it is possible that Carolina would also benefit from this. I
will bring this point up to Patrick and suggest that he talk this over with
support staff and Scott Mills and see if they are comfortable. Patrick, what
do you think.
I will check into the password control process in Houston (EOL client
passwords) so I can report on how it is done. Then we can check our process
for Argentina.
Patrick has also asked me to look into the Help Desk procedures for the apps
support (for example Sitara), and the end client help desk. I will be finding
out about this tomorrow.
Apparently there are print problems with CPR. Ariel, can you look into this
with Veronica and call Martha Stevens to help get this resolved.
Martha Stevens will gather some materials she has about the apps flows and
get them to me. They walked my through the basic processes (very nutshell

Please let me know if you have any questions.


--------------------- Forwarded by Julie Ramos/SA/Enron on 07/19/2000 12:46
AM ---------------------------

Patrick Hansen
07/17/2000 10:48 AM
To: Scott Mills@ECT, Julie Ramos/SA/Enron@Enron, Lynn Aven/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Contents for todays meeting

Please print a copy for each one of you

Thank you