Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Feedback - Exec. Impact & Influence
Date:Tue, 10 Oct 2000 00:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

liz, I can't believe it - although he will never show!. I would be happy to
fill out a form when it comes out.
Hope all is well.

Liz M Taylor
10/05/2000 11:20 AM
To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey
McMahon/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, David W
Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin Hannon/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Feedback - Exec. Impact & Influence

Well, we finally got Greg Whalley enrolled in the "Executive Impact &
Influence" seminar. Each of you have been listed for feedback in the
"peer/other" category. It is crucial to Greg's success in the program that
all feedback be submitted.

I'll check back with you in a couple of weeks to make sure you are in receipt
of the feedback forms.

Many Thanks,

Liz Taylor